Kbc Polls Earth On Bts Armed Services Effect Ahead Of Official 1 Ordered Yesteryear Ministry Building Of Defense

Article: [Public sentiment poll] 57.7% vote inwards favor of BTS giving military machine service exceptions... men inwards their twenties are opposed

Source: KBC via Naver

KBC held a survey ahead of the formal ane to live on run past times the authorities to inquiry populace sentiment on the resultant of BTS' military machine service. 800 adult men as well as women over the historic menses of xviii were surveyed, to which 35.3% responded that they were inwards favor of BTS beingness given military machine service exceptions, 22.4% slightly inwards favor, 12.3% slightly opposed, as well as 27.5% extremely opposed. When asked their sentiment on lengthening the postponement menses instead of offering exceptions, 29.4% were inwards favor, 28% were slightly inwards favor, 15.9% were slightly opposed, as well as 23.2% were extremely opposed. 


1. [+478, -11] If you're going to poll this, yous should limit it to entirely holler for men.. why are yous including women when they don't fifty-fifty bring to serve... ㅜㅜㅜ

2. [+170, -10] Fine, let's run into what happens when yous orbit the grouping especial exceptions simply because a populace sentiment survey said to. I bet yous that this entire province is going to flip over it ㅋㅋㅋ Cut this crap as well as bring them modify into uniform already.

3. [+85, -6] The survey should've been express to men. How does it brand feel at all to include everyone?

4. [+74, -1] Everyone needs to serve inwards the army. It's non fair that to a greater extent than or less teach to sit down out land others bring to go.

5. [+18, -1] Why were women allowed to vote when they don't bring to serve? And I don't teach why a populace sentiment survey is fifty-fifty allowed to override the constabulary ㅋㅋ 

6. [+17, -0] I bring never seen a province gain upwards one's take away heed on something similar this through a populace sentiment survey. What is this, to a greater extent than or less sort of Chosun dynasty sato trial? ㅋㅋㅋ Just play past times the rules as well as become serve

7. [+10, -0] And why should I bring to take away heed to the opinions of people who don't fifty-fifty bring to serve?

8. [+9, -0] Since when was military machine enlistments decided upon past times populace opinion?

9. [+7, -0] You idiots, why are yous including people who don't bring to serve inwards the polls? ㅋㅋㅋ They don't deserve to bring an sentiment on this.

10. [+6, -0] If they're non going to serve, as well as thus cancel their Korean citizenships as well as disallow them from voting. If they're going to live on exempted from duty, as well as thus they teach to live on exempted from our rights.


Article: The Ministry of Defense orders populace sentiment poll on BTS military machine exceptions... "If this doesn't teach resolved, BTS Jin volition enlist this year"

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+573] Just enlist

2. [+544] You bring to enlist. This poll is thus useless.

3. [+452] Are they serious nearly polling the populace over something similar this?

4. [+304] They're actually polling the populace amongst this..?

5. [+1,007] You bring to serve, what are yous asking?

6. [+249] What are the standards anymore...

7. [+228] They bring to enlist. There's no exceptions.

8. [+339] Even GD served

9. [+542] It'd live on sort of funny if they got exempted when their fanclub cite is Army

10. [+328] They bring to enlist... irregardless of a populace sentiment survey ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Once yous laid a precedent amongst cases similar this, at that topographic point volition live on no terminate to it. 


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