How Companies Bait Fans

SM: I don't know what you lot desire too thus I brought everything
JYP: I don't know what you lot desire too thus I'm hither instead
YG: I don't know what you lot desire too thus I didn't produce anything
Pledis: I'm trying to figure out what you lot want
YMC: I don't know what you lot desire too thus I won't produce anything
Cube: Who cares what you lot want
Big Hit: I know what you lot desire too thus trust me too follow me


Pann: Bait means of companies

1. [+369, -7] Pledis has to a greater extent than or less other 1 - I idea you lot desire this, no?

2. [+252, -17] ㅋㅋㅋ Big Hit is the best

3. [+176, -6] Ugh...
SM: I don't know what you lot desire too thus I brought everything
YG: I don't know what you lot desire too thus it's all mine
JYP: I don't know what you lot desire too thus I'm hither instead
Cube: I don't tending what you lot want

4. [+145, -5] Big Hit ㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is from BTS' apply video of Not Today ㅋㅋㅋ They know fans every bit good well...

5. [+140, -3] Can last explained inwards 1 picture

6. [+115, -0] YMC - I don't know what you lot desire merely I desire money

7. [+88, -0] YMC - I don't know what you lot desire too thus delight vote

8. [+84, -0] Big Hit - I know what you lot desire to a greater extent than than you lot do

9. [+72, -0] Woollim - I don't know what you lot desire too thus I brought my type

10. [+67, -3] I intend idols from Cube too Pledis larn pop past times their own... Seventeen, NU'EST, too Pentagon got pop past times their ain talent rather than the companies' work.

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