Im Chang Jung Sold His Province Together With Copyrights To Create His Ain Daughter Grouping Mimiirose

Article: Im Chang Jung's daughter grouping Mimiirose, that he sold province too the copyright to 'Soju Hanjan' for, to debut on the 16th

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+111] Feels similar he's going besides far out of his comfort zone... What is he going to produce if they don't accept off...

2. [+83] Mimiirose... the name, though...

3. [+81] Feels lamentable to run into all of the negative reactions when he plainly lay a lot into the group, selling his ain province too all. Through all of the suffering, I promise they scream back the people who supported them too notice their means to success 👏👍

4. [+64] Why'd he pick out such a competitive too hard marketplace to jump into.. 😢😢

5. [+21] He's going to regret selling that copyright for the residue of his life.. ㅠ

6. [+32] You're unremarkably met amongst bigger disappointment the bigger your expectations are...

7. [+7] Why... ㅜㅜ why non only alive comfortably..

8. [+6] With all that went into them, I want them luck..

9. [+3] I want them luck 👏👏

10. They were at his concert too they were pretty good. Decent melody, nifty dancers, practiced visual, I don't intend they'll flop ♡♡

11. New Jeans is then far ahead of everyone correct straightaway that I intend debuting straightaway volition hold upward a struggle

12. [+9] They volition presently instruct a gustation of the bitter reality of life...

13. Why produce I instruct flop vibes...

14. Oh man.. ㅠ their squad lift is already a plough off..

15. I genuinely intend their lift is pretty.. mimi rose... too it's slow to remember, too.


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