The To A Greater Extent Than Pressing Upshot Of The Criminal Hacker Inwards Five Too Jennie's Dating Rumors

Article: A novel focus inwards the dating rumors of V in addition to Jennie... the weight of the 'hacking criminal' rumors

Source: KBS via Naver

1. [+2,018, -41] Fans produce non assist whether these 2 are dating or not. The only people fussing well-nigh it are the journalists in addition to their antis. The hacker is merely making threats inwards an endeavour to brand some quick cash. Dating is non a crime, in addition to the bigger consequence should last the fact that their individual lives are beingness infringed upon. Since a criminal offense has been committed, the hacker should last caught in addition to dealt with. I promise that both sides drib dead along to teach forwards without whatever official disputation because this isn't worth responding to at all.

2. [+1,068, -34] Just teach out them be. A handsome in addition to beautiful distich are choosing to date, they're human afterward all.

3. [+351, -15] I didn't know our province was in addition to then lenient well-nigh hacking crimes? Are nosotros choosing non to grab them or are nosotros non able to? Because this is merely pathetic.

4. [+328, -25] They're such a swell match. It's non similar they're immature kids anymore, allow them date. 

5. [+331, -31] I promise they're fifty-fifty to a greater extent than successful merely to spite the hacking criminal. Idols are people too. You're a fool if you lot don't teach to appointment unopen to inwards your belatedly twenties. Times bring changed in addition to anyone who's trying to role this against them volition teach karma inwards the end.

6. [+80, -7] Kai, GD, V... Jennie actually must last pop She's dating all the overstep grouping members inwards the province

7. [+59, -3] Jennie's basically dated all the overstep idols except for JYP, amazing ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+43, -1] It's hilarious to await idols non to appointment during the most beautiful years of their lives. I recall fans bring matured plenty to honor their decisions inwards this aspect...

9. [+34, -2] I'm a V fan but detect no consequence amongst dating at an historic menses where he should last fully able to;; The focus should last on catching the hacker who's been leaking these pictures!! If V is the i getting hacked, I promise he reports them in addition to goes difficult on the penalisation i time caught!!

10. [+32, -0] Trying to brand coin off of hacking someone's individual life should last a crime. No i would savor having the entire populace aspect into your individual life. As for the people who appear agency also into this, teach touching grass...


Video: Criminal who leaked V in addition to Jennie's distich photograph claims they bring skinship photos too

Source: TBig News via YouTube

1. [+108] And what's incorrect amongst skinship? These 2 haven't committed whatever crimes, they're merely 2 immature people inwards a relationship... It's non similar they committed drug abuse or murder. Dating is non a crime.

2. [+114] Stop leaking their photos... merely teach out them alone. I experience in addition to then bad that they got caught inwards the spider web of someone similar this at all.

3. [+74] Unless these couples come upward forwards announcing their relationship, merely heed your ain trouble organisation amongst dating rumors. What's it bring anything to produce amongst us if they're non committing an affair or anything? 

4. [+76] They're both pretty in addition to handsome. I don't actually recall their human relationship volition impact anything. Any fan who claims they don't desire to come across this materials shouldn't consider themselves a fan. You don't ain them.

5. [+204] I actually wishing this hacker would merely allow Jennie in addition to V go

6. [+60] Despite beingness superstars, I was surprised to come across them dressed rattling humbly unopen to each other, or mayhap it was in addition to then they wouldn't teach caught ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I recall it's practiced to see

7. [+68] Both are in addition to then pretty

8. [+27] No affair what the hacker does, I promise these 2 don't allow the hacker play them in addition to merely hold dating every bit they are. They've worked difficult plenty in addition to deserve to produce so.

9. [+38] I mean.. I'm happy to remove heed tidings of them dating.. but I can't imagine how scary this must last for Jennie in addition to V, peculiarly since they likely bring to a greater extent than individual photos that are beingness held for blackmail...

10. [+13] Wow, what a lamentable agency to brand money.. hacking someone's individual life. Whether all of these are photoshopped or not, going in addition to then far every bit to hack someone's telephone is also crazy. 


Article: No law study on V in addition to Jennie's hacking criminal yet... what are the chances of arrest?

Source: Money Today via Naver

1. [+714, -77] Guys, merely don't give them whatever attending in addition to appointment all that you lot want!!

2. [+407, -27] Have a happy relationship.. in addition to serve inwards the army.. no i volition nation a thing. You've made all the coin you lot bespeak in addition to then merely residue comfortably.. in addition to don't pay whatever heed to things similar this.

3. [+289, -17] They're at an historic menses where it's natural to last dating. Leave them alone.

4. [+110, -12] Why non merely teach populace at this charge per unit of measurement ㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+80, -4] I experience similar they'll intermission upward if V has to serve, merely knowing Jennie's personality... she'll likely motion on to the adjacent guy again


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