Gd Is Struggling To Become Over Jennie?

Video: GD's deplorable province of affairs of beingness nevertheless obsessed alongside Jennie

Source: Sojang via YouTube

1. [+272] Why is it that all of the ex-girlfriends who appointment GD larn defendant of cheating or moving on also fast
- [+52] Lee Jooyeon ㅋ I intend he's just framing them that agency because he's erstwhile too piffling ㅋㅋ
- [+82] I also idea it was weird that all of his exes larn framed equally a b*tch past times the media alongside unconfirmed sources. Isn't it GD's occupation if all of his exes plough out similar that?
- [+33] Maybe GD's the type of beau girls larn tired of...

2. [+557] Whatever ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm most curious to consider if Jennie's going to endure waiting for V through his solid soil forces service ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ BTS, let's hurry too serve
- [+29] You tin purpose cellphones all twenty-four hours inwards the solid soil forces immediately hence fourth dimension goes past times fast ㅋㅋ if she loves him a lot, I'm certain she'd wait. They mightiness fifty-fifty grow closer.
- [+75] His fourth dimension inwards the solid soil forces going past times fast has cypher to exercise alongside whether she'll hold back for him or not
- [+59] Jennie feels similar she mightiness possess got also much pride to endure waiting approximately for anyone
- [+49] Well there's no guarantee that they'll fifty-fifty proceed dating until he serves inwards the army  ㅋㅋ

3. [+378] I'm truly curious what Jennie's charm is inwards an intimate relationship

4. [+486] Kwon Jiyong.. let's release an album now.. y'all possess got to a greater extent than than plenty material..

5. [+107] Wow, GD fans are hence weird. Jennie spent Christmas alongside her friend concluding yr too pause upwards rumors possess got been circulating ever since. If y'all possess got a closer expect at the timeline, it doesn't fifty-fifty seem similar she moved on that fast afterward they broke up, but GD fans are e'er making out his ex-girlfriends to endure the bad b*tch, the i who moved on also fast from him, too writing abhor comments virtually her all over communities similar it's her fault too never his. It's also super weird to me that his fans are e'er bespeak him to write songs virtually his obsessions. So many GD fans alongside mental issues.

6. [+107] Someone tin endure pretty too also possess got a charm that makes y'all desire to appointment them but I don't intend they're just parallel. There are a ton of women prettier than Jennie but she must possess got that exceptional charm that makes people desire to appointment her specifically. That charm or 'pull' is sometimes to a greater extent than of import to men than only just beingness a pretty face.

7. [+89] Whatever the case, GD's the most talented

8. [+99] Wow, GD fans hither are creeping me out... they're celebrating his obsessiveness too bespeak him to write songs virtually it. Can y'all imagine how actual women who are victims to such obsessions must feel? ㅜㅜ

9. [+159] I similar this, too I desire Kwon Jiyong to write to a greater extent than songs virtually honey similar this. He has a few songs similar this already similar 'Last Dance', which sounds similar a vocal to fans at start but if y'all read it to a greater extent than closely, it's an obsessive vocal virtually love. 'Girlfriend' also has this obsessive experience to it equally well.

10. [+187] GD made it hence obvious fifty-fifty afterward they began dating, he must've truly liked her... but it's fourth dimension to motion on, Kwon Jiyong

11. [+163] GD-ya, there's no charm inwards a human being who is clingy similar this ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

12. [+131] I experience bad that Jennie keeps getting defendant of moving on also fast afterward him. Actually, all of GD's exes possess got been defendant of the same thing. Jennie fans already had a feeling that they broke upwards concluding Christmas when she spent Christmas too New Years alongside her friends. She never would've posted anything if she had spent it alongside GD. She also spent a long fourth dimension overseas hence fans were already thinking that they had broken up.

13. [+106] Jennie never made anything obvious, it was e'er GD dropping hints. Did they ever fifty-fifty appointment at all? Maybe what Dispatch caught was them coming together alongside their managers for schedules or P Minus 1 sponsor stuff. I squall back Dispatch next Jennie approximately for 3 years too never getting hence much equally a 2 shot hence they just release a threatening postal service too left it at that.

14. [+22] I squall back when their dating tidings start broke out, Jennie's international fans were writing comments similar "stay away from Jennie erstwhile man" too it made me express joy because they're both legends but GD has a legacy of his ain right.. too figured these fans must endure young.. but immediately that I consider this video, I intend he should heed to their advice. I honey GD's music too I promise he heals his broken pump for the sake of his fans...

15. [+30] GD seems to plough into a fool when he truly likes someone,, ㅜ

16. [+171] But why would GD become this far...? What does he lack....

17. [+62] Jennie too GD broke upwards concluding year. She fifty-fifty spent Christmas alongside closed friends at a hotel, New Years equally well. GD didn't become anywhere at that fourth dimension too was inwards Korea too. Honestly, it seems similar a GD lawsuit at this betoken that Kiko, Nana, too Jennie are immediately all beingness defendant of cheating on him or moving on from him also quick. 

18. [+23] GD's aging ungracefully. Saying that he wants a refund on his life is hence rude to the fans who possess got made him who he is today.

19. [+25] He's truly making it hence obvious that I'm starting to experience bad, too I'm sorry but he truly looks poor too. He's erstwhile plenty to endure acting to a greater extent than mature than this, no? People possess got already been on his illustration virtually losing his superstar aura at the Chanel fashion shows hence why non just lay depression for now...? Feels similar he's tainting the cool guy icon GD used to possess got inwards the past times ㅠ...

20. [+26] I've been thinking this equally well. Every fourth dimension I consider his Instagram, it seems similar he's hence obsessive of her, similar he doesn't desire to forget too motion on ㅠ Jiyong-ah, allow her become wake upwards too attain some proficient songs for your fans You are nifty equally y'all are without Jennie. Forget her too come upwards dorsum to who y'all used to. I'm worried that he's going to larn sick from all of this. I larn scary thoughts every fourth dimension I consider him post.

21. [+50] What could Jennie fifty-fifty consider inwards an ajusshi who's 8 years older... Seeing him ruin himself hence badly similar this makes me realize that he's non entirely human but no unlike from the residuum of us ㅋㅋ

22. [+88] I want Jennie would release a vocal similar Ariana Grande's 'Thank You Next' alongside all of her exes

23. [+178] Her ex is beingness clingy too obsessive, her electrical flow beau is talentless

24. [+10] If people are accusing Jennie's timeline of moving on also fast, too then GD moved on also fast alongside Jennie afterward Lee Joo Yeon

25. [+22] GD's unrequited honey ㅠ

26. [+22] I wonder what Jennie's similar inwards existent life for both GD too V to endure crazy over her similar this ㅜ

27. [+57] Not certain why people are feeling bad for GD ㅋㅋㅋ he tin appointment anyone he wants ㅋㅋㅋ

28. [+67] GD, didn't y'all throw away Joo Yeon unni also ✋️
- [+23] I squall back GD fans terrorized Lee Joo Yeon's Instagram, accusing her of non beingness on his degree ㅋㅋ

29. [+14] V must endure laughing at all of this correct now

30. [+38] Yeah, I incertitude Jennie cares what he's doing anymore. Not entirely is he an erstwhile human being but he's immediately outed himself equally creepy too obsessive


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