Update Opinions Plow Against Jessica

Pann: The painting of Jessica's Blanc concern proposal. What is Tyler actually trying to do?

AKP article:

The media outlet Sports World got their hands on 'BLANC's concern programme but that the content of it seems to move somewhat lacking. Other than emphasizing Jessica's role inward the line as well as her potential every bit a designer, at that spot wasn't whatsoever exceptional aspect to the concern plan, 'Sports World' claims. They also say they met alongside a human who was given an chance to invest inward 'BLANC' past times Tyler Kwon.

This human said, "When I received the concern proposal, too the fact that it's past times Girls' Generation's Jessica, at that spot wasn't whatsoever other merit to it hence I turned downward the offering for investment." The media outlet also says i of their other sources also pointed out his suspicions nearly Tyler Kwon. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 origin who hangs out alongside Tyler apparently told them that despite having the championship of existence the CEO of Coridel Group, "[He] acts similar he is a 3rd generation chaebol, but it's difficult to reckon him every bit a human of wealth since he ofttimes asks his acquaintances to lend him 50 100 i grand one thousand KRW . He is business office of an investment company, but it should move looked into to detect out what concern it is that he supposedly made successful."

'Sports World' hence goes on to betoken out that Tyler Kwon is notorious inward Hong Kong every bit a 'scandal maker' due to his past times human relationship alongside vocalist as well as actress Gillian Chung. They say at that spot are rumors that he purposely approached Gillian Chung hence that he tin give notice gain a foothold inward the Hong Kong concern world. Their human relationship was real populace as well as it was idea that they powerfulness fifty-fifty teach married, but they broke up. He hence approached Jessica, the media outlet claims.

Supposedly, Jessica as well as Tyler's coming together was similar a scene out of a movie. Jessica was shopping inward Hong Kong, but roughshod into a dilemma every bit she had maxed out her credit card, this was when Tyler Kwon came to the rescue as well as paid for her. 'Sports World' says Jessica roughshod for him, but Tyler was non real considerate towards Jessica inward that he would postal service diverse pictures on his SNS accounts despite their human relationship existence a secret. The media's sources commented, "Usually, investors don't similar drawing populace attention, but [he] is real aggressive nearly marketing himself. He volition fifty-fifty sometimes purposely teach hang out at places where he knows at that spot are reporters," hinting that this powerfulness move the argue why Hong Kong paparazzi were able to spot the 2 multiple times.

'Sports World' hence asks the questions whether the 2 volition move able to build 'BLANC' a success as well as whether they volition teach married happily, before finally alongside the statement, "The i to move most concerned nearly is Jessica. The Girls' Generation Jessica nosotros loved, her electrical current province of affairs is precarious."


1. [+102, -2] I mean value Jessica volition move backstabbed. Seems similar she'll move used past times Tyler Kwon. He approached his ex-girlfriend inward a real natural agency as well as he did the same matter alongside Jessica. We never know when Jessica volition move backstabbed. I mean value Jesica volition actually regret this.

2. [+97, -3] SM is smart. I mean value SM knew this as well as kicked Jessica out because it powerfulness impact SNSD. Tyler Kwon is a swindler 

3. [+89, -2] Jessica volition teach backstabbed past times Tyler Kwon... Do something before your credit goes down

4. [+42, -0] Honestly, I tin give notice solely mean value Jessica was existence selfish alongside doing both SNSD as well as her business. And it's obvious that Tyler Kwon is non a trustful guy, he has a past. I'm certain Tyler Kwon is frustrated because Jessica is kicked out of SNSD. He doesn't dearest Jessica, he's trying to succeed his concern using SNSD's Jessica. But forthwith he powerfulness run away because Jessica is kicked out of the group. Then Jessica could human face upwardly the most pitiful province of affairs where she gets dumped past times her friends as well as her lover

5. [+42, -0] I mean value Tyler Kwon is using Jessica. Tyler Kwon is non a chaebol but she seems to move thinking wrongly. She could've started a small-scale business, run the concern inward SNSD, as well as expand her concern when SNSD ends. Then she could've gone to schoolhouse to study designing. I actually don't empathize why she rushed... Isn't it going to move a large occupation if her concern fails? Business is non a joke...

6. [+33, -0] Honestly who would purchase a couplet of non-brand sunglasses that terms $270? At a duty complimentary shop, you lot could teach a pop build couplet alongside the same amount of money. It's amend to run a build editor shop


Pann: This is the response of Jessica's situation

[+3319, -93] 8 members showtime congratulated her concern but the argue why they afterwards told her to pick out SNSD or concern is largely because of Tyler Kwon. If he's a swindler, hence SNSD powerfulness have got to pay for to a greater extent than than 10 billion won because the concern has SNSD's title. They all powerfulness teach their lives screwed up. They decided this had to move stopped

- The stories of Jessica paying loyalty is a full bull... She started her concern on August, do you lot mean value she's already calculating her earnings?? This is non some small-scale store... I'm certain she didn't fifty-fifty earn the invested money


1. [+117, -11] I honestly don't empathize why people back upwardly Jessica as well as bash the 8 members. This is plainly Jessica's error but the 8 members are seen at the bitches... Jessica... tsk tsk

2. [+112, -9] I know that the antis are taking the run a jeopardy as well as hating on SNSD but this is plainly Jessica's fault. The 8 members didn't dump her, it's Jessica who dumped SNSD. She said she was gonna exit SNSD but after coming together upwardly alongside a lawyer, she changed her arguing as well as said she was gonna promote inward SNSD (to usage SNSD's cite inward her business). She didn't fifty-fifty participate inward practices because of her concern as well as she got dorsum from New York alongside her beau a solar daytime before the schedule. SNSD had a coming together because Jessica's priority was non SNSD anymore but fifty-fifty before the coming together ended, she flew to overseas. The members had the coming together to protect SNSD, how would they feel... She made the other members every bit the bitches on SNS. I'm certain the members tried to halt her until the end. But Jessica didn't psyche hence they made her pick out to protect SNSD. I actually don't empathize why SNSD's tears are called fake

3. [+109, -7] After this province of affairs broke out, amusement journalists talked nearly it. They were talking nearly how Jessica's showtime priority was SNSD's promotions but they said, "but us amusement journalists can't convey this seriously" as well as laughed. They're amusement journalists as well as yet they came on TV as well as talked similar this... It's obvious past times now

4. [+39, -2] From an objective perspective, 95% of it is Jessica's fault. If Jessica was Taeyeon, people wouldn't move defending her at all ㅋㅋ

5. [+38, -5] I'm hence disappointed alongside Jessica, it's hence disgusting how she's pretending to move the victim. I promise her concern flops hard


Pann: The posts that are talking nearly SNSD Jessica's truth

1. [+110, -25] I don't empathize why the 8 members are getting hate. It's Jessica who allow SNSD teach first. The 8 members accepted it as well as supported Jessica's needs. But they're seen every bit bullies who kicked a fellow member out. Jessica clearly said, "as I was congratulated past times other members" as well as proved it. I'm certain she did something that lost her credibility to other members. The members have got plenty coin to alive forever after quitting SNSD. What jealousy do they have got to boot her out? I'm certain at that spot are reasons as well as the 8 members didn't fifty-fifty speak yet

2. [+102, -15] Jessica proved that her concern was congratulated past times the other members. She also said that she explained her concern inward details to build her society as well as her members understand. The members knew her business' scale as well as the society had to approve it because they couldn't halt her concern legally. When Jessica had conflicts alongside the members, she i time to a greater extent than proved that she got permission from her company. Jessica invested to a greater extent than coin than Tyler for Blanc as well as she nonetheless hasn't earn much to teach the invested coin yet. But the members were jealous of the risky business? It's fifty-fifty to a greater extent than convincing to say they were afraid of getting SNSD's paradigm affected inward illustration her concern fails. People also seem to move mistaking nearly New York. Before the members came to a determination at the meeting, Jessica flew to New York. It's a must to do before fan meetings but Jessica didn't fifty-fifty spare her fourth dimension for that. The official schedules which nosotros reckon are non everything. There are unofficial schedules similar practicing, meetings, as well as rehearsals. There's a flaw to claim that Jessica was working difficult inward SNSD only because she attended all the official schedule

3. [+85, -14] I mean value Jessica got permission but her take away afterwards was the occupation because they all approved her concern at first. Otherwise, this should've broke out earlier. Jessica's take away is the occupation because SNSD wasn't her showtime priority anymore. This is where they had conflicts. What variety of a celebrity would only appear a solar daytime before the fan coming together tour? I mean value I'd also teach mad as well as tell her to teach off to her business? And Jessica also targeted the members on Weibo, she's the same

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