Update Besides Many Nugu's

Pann: Male idols who participated inwards 2014 Starvation sense - Sharing concert

Block B - HER

JJCC - Bing Bing Bing

Say Yes - Get Out

C Clown - Meet Me

Halo - Fever

Boys Republic - Dress Up

Bangtan Boys - Danger


1. [+59, -5] Honestly I entirely know Block B...

2. [+40, -2] I went at that spot today. I was likewise tired then I was only sitting... too handsome guys came then I cheered loudly ㅠㅠ I could encounter through Block B's waiting room too Taeil was fooling only about alongside mortal ㅋㅋ I'm non a Block B fan but I intend I'll teach one... Freaking handsome... Ah I'm getting human foot cramps

3. [+20, -12] BTS, JJCC too Prince are then handsome, they're my style

4. [+16, -2] Sorry... I entirely know Block B too BTS...

5. [+13, -1] I don't know anyone except Block B... I intend I heard of BTS though

6. [+13, -1] Is JJCC a province guild of Jeonbuk? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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