Update Mc Mong's Military Machine Scandal + Associated Celebrities Become Their Icon Ruined

Pann: The reasons why MC Mong is getting criticized

Politician Jung Wi Hwa: "He pulled out raw teeth. The dentist must've had another purpose. Isn't it obvious that he did it on purpose?"

Politician Kim Hak Song: "MC Mong earns to a greater extent than than $10,000 a day. Who would believe it if he says he's applying for seventh bird populace worker?"


Witness: "I received $80,000 from MC Mong for non revealing that he pulled out his teeth on purpose."


Police investigation unit: "Instead of getting his teeth fixed, he kept pulling his teeth out. He didn't acquire implants or anything too exclusively kept on pulling them out. At the end, he was exempt from the military."


2004.07.15 - He got nervus handling at H5N1 dentistry
2004.07.15 - B dentistry refused to trace his teeth out too to hand nervus treatment
2004.07.28 - C dentistry refused to trace his teeth out
2004.08.09 - D dentistry refused to trace his teeth out
2004.08.09 - He requested for teeth removal at due east dentistry
2004.08.30 - He removed his 46 too 47th teeth at F dentistry


Police investigation unit: "Usually, the patients trace their teeth out when there's no possible handling left. But the dentists refused to trace his teeth out because they could live healed past times treatment."


MC Mong asked a query on Naver's Q&A: "My 8 dorsum teeth are fully gone. My four front end teeth too a canine molar are imitation teeth. The infirmary gave me 49 points..." (he continues on asking if he would live exempt from the armed forces service)


Investigation unit: "He got on the Internet too asked how many teeth should non live at that spot to live exempt from the military."


How MC Mong kept delaying his armed forces service:

Nov, 1999 - Got into university
Apr, 2003 - Job training
Nov, 2004 - Applied for a spider web blueprint license
June, 2005 - Applied for a seventh bird populace worker
Nov, 2005 - Traveled overseas
June, 2006 - Applied for a seventh bird populace worker
Dec, 2006 - Traveled overseas


The dentistry admitted that he pulled his teeth out on role to live exempt from the armed forces service.  


1. [+576, -32] Those who are defending MC Mong too MC Mong himself are the same ㅋㅋㅋ They're idiots. He acted too hence innocent too claimed that he couldn't serve due to historic catamenia limit. The ministry building fifty-fifty changed the laws too told him that he could serve. But he nevertheless came upward alongside excuses too did non go. Please tell me why you're defending this jerk. Does a celebrity deserve particular treatment? Do they intend exclusively a celebrity's two years are precious? The two years that non-celebrities hand upward for the the world are only equally of import that can't live valued past times money. Look at how people are defending him. They're pretending equally if he's a hip-hop legend ㅋㅋㅋ He all of a abrupt became a Korean hip-hop legend when he's the nipper who sang Indian Boy ㅋㅋㅋ I'm non interested inwards his songs too I guide maintain no wishing to heed to them

2. [+393, -21] As a human being who served inwards the military, it's too hence frustrating

3. [+337, -25] Why aren't you lot guys streaming this, it's on 100th ㅋㅋ

 The reasons why MC Mong is getting criticized Update MC Mong's armed forces scandal + associated celebrities acquire their ikon ruined

(The vocal is "Torch of the Red Hunt", which is a armed forces vocal to live against MC Mong)

4. [+120, -1] Shameless asshole

1. MC Mong was non constitute guilty for his teeth removal
2. He was constitute guilty for delaying his armed forces service
3. MC Mong, "I'll nevertheless acquire if they permit me."
4. Military Ministry, "We'll convey him."
5. MC Mong goes on hiding for v years too calls it "reflection"
6. He came dorsum equally shortly equally he turned 36, which is an historic catamenia to live exempt from the armed forces service

5. [+90, -1] MC Mong needs to acquire kicked out of the country. He's a dirtier asshole than Steven Yoo

6. [+85, -2] He was able to serve inwards the regular army until Sept, 2014. He announced his comeback on October too came dorsum on Nov. Do you lot lastly acquire it, you lot shielders?


Pann: Haha is getting criticized on Infinity Challenge viewers's forum

Haha tweeted, "friend... I missed you..." alongside MC Mong's music video. The viewers of Infinity Challenge are criticizing too demanding him to acquire out the show.


1. [+368, -71] He would've flopped long agone if it wasn't Yoo God

2. [+291, -36] He's acting similar that because he went off to populace service...

3. [+272, -43] There are limits to defending such things. What's the existent argue of Haha serving inwards the populace service instead?

4. [+267, -208] Stop it. Why create nosotros guide maintain to tell him to acquire out the present when all he did was cheering for his friend?

5. [+85, -10] With this issue, I learned that a lot of celebrities are thoughtless. It's surely that MC Mong is non innocent. Do they non realize that people volition criticize them if they create featuring too cheering for him? Haha could've only called him too personally congratulate him. Why does he guide maintain to ship inwards on SNS too brand a fuss? Those sort of celebrities are too hence dislikable


Pann: The bird of MC Mong's lyrics

Whatever (feat. Girl's Day Minah) - MC Mong

The jerks who spread rumors
Hide, you lot don't know me similar that
The trait of losers
To live hating doing their job
Huh too hence scary
As a beau man, it's pathetic
They can't stand upward others' success
Why create they guide maintain to acquire themselves inwards trouble
Stop blocking the goal, bro come upward on
Don't heed to the hater
For the waste product of time, meet you lot later
With the spreading rumors,
Why you lot wanna meet me intermission up

Minah: "The song's good, right?"


1. [+71, -4] Woah, MC Mong is too hence shameless ㅋㅋㅋ Rumors, fuck

2. [+60, -22] Woah he's such an airhead... Girl's Day Minah is too hence thoughtless

3. [+55, -6] As a Korean living abroad, I actually don't wishing to meet him. Before the scandal, I loved MC Mong's songs too his vocal I Love You Oh Thank You was my principal vocal at karaokes. But after that, I stopped liking him too I wonder why he has to human action similar that. I saw that his hiatus was v years. He could've only gone to the regular army for two years too his popularity would've fifty-fifty increased. I approximate he was thoughtless because he's ignorant. Looking at his lyrics, he's non reflecting at all too is acting similar the victim. I don't wishing to diss his looks but he looks similar a monkey that I don't wishing to see

4. [+26, -1] Can I express mirth at the business office where he says "as a beau man" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Do you lot intend you're a human being equally long equally you lot guide maintain a dick? First of all, you lot don't deserve to guide maintain one. You're the i who pulled your teeth out land whining to your mom because you lot were afraid of going to the army. The "losers" you're pointing at didn't acquire excused from the regular army past times making themselves disabled. Start talking after you lot acquire your dick removed

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