Update Korea's Side Yesteryear Side Tiptop Model Gets Criticized For Inconsideration Of A Participant

Pann: Hair cutting on Challenge Super Model Korea

They cutting her long pilus short, together with the curliness inwards her pilus started coming out.
They straightened it iv times exactly it didn't run together with thus they ended upwardly cutting it really brusk to exercise a boyish style.
When the models went dorsum to their dorm, she cried.


1. [+272, -2] I felt together with thus bad when she was crying. Why did they bring to cutting it together with thus brusk when her pilus is curly? They didn't fifty-fifty know how to create it together with thus they kept straightening it... When they exercise make-overs, they don't instruct for pretty looks. All they exercise is cutting brusk together with bleaching... They intend that's unique together with pretty

2. [+231, -3] They made her into a loser

3. [+198, -5] Hul... She's a girl... And visual is of import for a model. She must last really sad...

4. [+122, -0] At to the lowest degree they'll exercise her pilus together with makeup because she's filming the exhibit exactly what if she gets eliminated? It's non similar she tin sack instruct to a pilus salon together with instruct it done everyday...

5. [+104, -0] I experience bad because I besides bring badly curly hair. Curly haired people should never cutting their pilus short. Or they should've straightened it earlier cutting it. Don't they know this equally a pilus designer?

6. [+97, -0] The pilus stylist who did her pilus should permit her purpose the salon for gratuitous until her pilus is long. Hair is really of import for women. I watched the exhibit together with they cutting her pilus a lot together with said her pilus is non a human's hair. Can't you lot distinguish curly pilus together with damaged hair? I abhor the agency they talked together with they're non talented. I intend her pilus got fifty-fifty to a greater extent than damaged because they kept straightening it amongst a straightener. Even I was getting mad

7. [+95, -4] Using her condition of "participant" to cutting her pilus without her permission is besides violence. Cutting pilus is besides abuse

8. [+85, -1] Hair stylists should last really educated together with talented

9. [+83, -0] At to the lowest degree she looks pretty when her pilus is done. What is she gonna exercise if she gets eliminated from the show?

10. [+67, -0] She was maxim "I await similar homeless" equally she was crying. It was funny together with distressing at the same time

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