Update Jung Joon Immature Says That He's Satisfied Amongst His Skinny Body

Article: Jung Joon Young "My trunk weight is a petty over 60kg... I'm satisfied"


1. [+3997, -993] Skinny girls are ameliorate than fatty girls, in addition to it's the same amongst guys. Skinny people are ameliorate than fatty in addition to sweating pigs

2. [+2698, -426] I'm besides satisfied... All of people say me that I should gain weight precisely I similar my slim trunk ^^

3. [+2525, -369] He's random in addition to funny precisely I intend he'll larn in addition to thus much loathe past times the seniors inward the army..

4. [+2168, -301] He's tall in addition to thus he makes clothe await good. No wonder why he was a vesture model

5. [+1434, -122] I'm chubby precisely I don't desire to lose weight fifty-fifty though people say me to. I similar my trunk in addition to I'm satisfied amongst it. Love your trunk in addition to endure satisfied amongst it <3

6. [+371, -16] As long every bit it doesn't touching on his health, it's fine

7. [+379, -49] He's skinny precisely he's okay because his human face upward looks lively... Han Min Kwan in addition to Lee Yoon Seok are besides skinny precisely their faces don't await healthy

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