Update Rainbow's Novel Album 'Innocent'

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1. [+160, -13] But the vocal is actually so-so... They chose a incorrect vocal for championship track

2. [+107, -7] I listened to their whole album as well as Mr. Lee as well as Pierrot are actually good... Pierrot has pretty lyrics. They should pick out 1 of these songs for belatedly promotions!

3. [+98, -8] The MV was hence amazing. Jaekyung looks hence pretty. Honestly they didn't stand upward out earlier precisely they were hence pretty inwards this. I promise Rainbow hits large <3

4. [+50, -17] The vocal is a full flop... How unfortunate

5. [+34, -14] You convey to produce the steaming for your ain singers. If a grouping doesn't convey a large fandom, as well as hence they'll disband as well as you lot can't produce anything Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 grouping volition gain many fans if they convey popularity as well as the correct charms

6. [+33, -7] The vocal is honestly bad

7. [+31, -1] At to the lowest degree or hence people know this group. There are a enough of unknown singers out there

8. [+29, -7] You'll larn addicted to the vocal afterwards a while. Hug meeeee!

9. [+28, -3] I know I'll larn abhor for maxim this precisely Black Swan is such a weird song...

10. [+24, -0] DSP needs to alter themselves earlier changing the groups. Since Kara's Damaged Lady, they're choosing trashy songs for the championship tracks. They would've been screwed already if Kara didn't earn coin inwards Japan

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