Update Circular Ii Of Imaginary Daughter Groups

Pann: Girl grouping members divided past times me

Team A

Leader Taeyeon

Rapper Yura

Vocal Irene

Rapper & dancer Hyuna

Vocal Naeun

Vocal Suzy


Team B

Leader Tiffany

Rapper Jimin

Vocal Hani

Vocal Seolhyun

Vocal IU

Vocal Krystal


1. [+77, -17] If Taeyeon in addition to Suzy are lay inwards a same group, the grouping volition last the exceed inwards price of fandom in addition to world recognition

2. [+69, -15] H5N1 volition hit many stans only the entirely vocals they accept are Taeyeon in addition to Suzy. B's vocals are Hani, Tiffany, Krystal in addition to IU, full of iv vocals... But if I were to stan i of the groups, I'll stan H5N1 for sure

3. [+53, -8] H5N1 for me... B is to a greater extent than talented only H5N1 has all the woman mortal idols that I like

4. [+23, -3] Hyuna, Taeyeon, Suzy, IU, Krystal

5. [+17, -1] If a grouping has Hyuna, Taeyeon, Suzy, IU, in addition to Krystal, the grouping volition accept interplanetary space fangirls because I'm a fangirl of them ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+17, -12] B for me because of Tiffany in addition to IU. In A, I entirely similar Taeyeon

7. [+16, -3] Leader Taeyeon, song IU, song Krystal, rapper Hyuna, atomic number 82 song Suzy. I'll stan this grouping at i time <3

8. [+15, -5] Suzy truly can't sing. I was shocked when I saw her singing Let It Go in addition to COOL Yuri's parts on YHY's Sketchbook

9. [+15, -3] Taeyeon, IU, Suzy, in addition to Krystal volition all-kill

10. [+11, -0] Taeyeon, IU, Krystal, Hyuna in addition to Suzy are the best

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