Update Larn Kyung Pyo Protests Against Konkuk Academy For Cinema Majors

Pann: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 celebrity who is protesting lone at Konkuk University

Konkuk University is planning on getting rid of cinema major computer program due to its depression work rate. Go Kyung Pyo is protesting lone to foreclose it.


1. [+147, -3] Go Kyung Pyo's Instagram shows how expert is mentality is ㅠㅠ I'm cheering for him

2. [+105, -3] Ah I experience bad. I promise it turns out well

3. [+95, -3] Konkuk University amend operate on their cinema program

4. [+28, -1] The hoobaes must travel hence touched... They should become together with protestation amongst the sunbae

5. [+22, -0] Konkuk University needs to operate on the cinema computer program ㅋㅋ My academy also said they'll brand changes to the programs together with it caused a roar. Why produce universities accept the coin together with brand changes without the students confirming?

6. [+20, -0] As a educatee of arts university, together with because Konkuk Uni is close my school, it feels similar my situation. Employment charge per unit of measurement is important, I admit. But arts students similar me are pursuing fine art because we're passionate most fine art together with nosotros receive got the pride, no thing the work rate. I mightiness audio ridiculous but if I wanted to travel employed, hence I would've studied technology scientific discipline or other majors. No 1 majors inward fine art to earn money. If this province gets rid of fine art programs, hence what are nosotros supposed to do? I spent a long fourth dimension to motion into this academy to written report arts together with forthwith they're trying to acquire rid of this. Doesn't brand sense

7. [+19, -0] He did it yesterday, also ㅠㅠ

 Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 celebrity who is protesting lone at Konkuk University Update Go Kyung Pyo protests against Konkuk University for cinema majors

8. [+17, -0] Ex-member of Nine Muses Park Eun Ji is also a educatee of Konkuk Uni cinema major together with she's protesting, too... Let's assist them out!

9. [+16, -0] It proves that universities are simply expensive academies instead of an actual learning system

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