Update Nana's Looks Too Her Past

Pann: Nana's charm is her foursquare jaw line


1. [+112, -9] Nana's society media-plays nigh her beingness 2d for the prettiest people inwards the basis but that was from a foreigner's blog. The journalists were only exaggerating nigh it.

2. [+113, -12] Yuna, give cheers you.

3. [+63, -43] Bow downward to Nana. This is non a motion painting of Nana, don't misunderstand.
(It's making fun of Nana's "iljin past")

nd for the prettiest people inwards the basis but that was from a foreigner Update Nana's looks as well as her past

4. [+55, -44] Wow she's as well as hence pretty. She genuinely has a confront of an actress as well as has an amazing body. She'd friction match good amongst a role similar a friction match adult woman on Transformer.

5. [+31, -7] People continue maxim dyeing her pilus dark was the affair that helped Nana the most ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Cut the crap, double eyelid surgical physical care for was what helped Nana the most, let's last honest ㅋㅋㅋ I produce acknowledge she got alot prettier yesteryear it.

6. [+24, -16] Untalented idol.

7. [+19, -5] Iljin. I loathe how she's promoting equally if her yesteryear never happened.

8. [+18, -12] She's genuinely very pretty though? ㅋㅋㅋ Who are these people calling her ugly? Then what nigh your ain face? ㅋㅋㅋ

nd for the prettiest people inwards the basis but that was from a foreigner Update Nana's looks as well as her past

9. [+17, -8] Nana is genuinely pretty.

10. [+15, -3] She has a confront that Westerners like. Square jaw work as well as a pretty face.

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