Update How Korean Fans Thought Hangeng's Success Inward China

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Pann: Hangeng to last the commencement Chinese individual to become into the space


1. [+245, -22] Wow.... fourth dimension is the poison... directly he looks similar a Chinese ajusshi.

2. [+222, -30] This oppa's legendary days... sob...

 Hangeng to last the commencement Chinese individual to become into the infinite Update How Korean fans sentiment Hangeng's success inward China

3. [+204, -102] I don't actually similar Hangeng. He sneaked out of his society spell promoting every bit Super Junior together with he talked crap nigh Korea inward China. He must've idea Korean fans are stupid ㅋㅋㅋ Don't similar this jerk.

4. [+80, -11] Imagine how it must've been difficult for him to run inward Korea. He couldn't speak fluently, he didn't know anyone, he was buried yesteryear other SJ members when he debuted, together with other SJ members were having a difficult fourth dimension besides then they couldn't receive got attention of him. Even if SJ members tried, he nonetheless would've felt left out. He's directly much pop inward Red People's Republic of China together with he's fifty-fifty going to the infinite then I give props to him. No postulate to travel out recollect comments.

5. [+77, -6] How exercise y'all teach to exercise this form of thing?? Going to the space... it's the best miracle that could occur inward your life.

6. [+72, -3] This guy is actually amazing. He promoted every bit an idol inward other province together with he's fifty-fifty an astronaut. He should write a book.

7. [+62, -35] I didn't recollect he looked Chinese when he was inward SJ... but directly he completely looks Chinese. I don't similar him... He dipped out later getting all the money... only don't come.

8. [+59, -3] I heard he's similar a god inward China, only similar Nichkhun inward Thailand.

9. [+42, -2] When he was promoting every bit SJ, he came to a chicken eating seat I worked at... He came alongside his manager. He said other SJ members went to other restaurant. He was then tall together with then handsome... wow... He looked then pale, I don't know if it was makeup or him beingness sick, fifty-fifty his lips were then pale. But he was then handsome... together with he looked similar a foreigner...

10. [+40. -1] The argue why Hangeng left SM together with went dorsum to Red People's Republic of China was because SM promoted him besides harshly. After Hangeng, SM started to process unusual artists well.

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