Update Cancelled Subunit Of Jessica & Krystal

They had finished recording their album, filmed the music video, together with J&K flavor two was planned. But it was all cancelled afterward Jessica left SNSD.


Pann: Cancelled subunit fifty-fifty though they finished recording

1. [+227, -262] Is Jessica about form of a bitch to learn such hate? I'm non a fan but you lot guys brand me desire to shield her ㅋㅋ It could've been the well-nigh of import pick of her life together with she had to plough over upwards a lot for her dream. Loyalty? Their bridge every bit a daughter grouping was dying because they were turning into Dating Generation afterward all those dating news. Their value every bit SNSD was decreasing. They're nevertheless the move past times daughter grouping but produce you lot mean value they'll hold out the same afterward iii years? five years? Do you lot mean value they'll nevertheless accept the well-nigh fans afterward 10 years? It's non similar she terminated her contract amongst SM, she's nevertheless nether SM. Jessica saw the future.

2. [+221, -83] Jessica is freaking irresponsible ㅋㅋ

3. [+160, -21] It's a waste... Can they merely loose it? I don't similar Jessica but I'm curious because a subunit of sisters sounds interesting.

4. [+67, -5] The well-nigh annoying idol ㅋㅋ It's similar a manful individual idol bringing his lady friend to schedules, telling his grouping twice that he's gonna take away but changing his heed afterward starting his business. The members thus tell him to focus on grouping promotions but he goes to America amongst his girlfriend. Coming dorsum to the province merely a twenty-four hours earlier their PRC tour. He gets mad because his grouping kicks him out correct earlier the PRC tour (Chinese popularity is of import for his business). He says on Weibo that he got kicked out past times his members together with brand fans loathe on the members. But what? Seeing the future? Future???? Fuck. Imagine doing a grouping projection together with a bitch comes amongst her boyfriend. She comes merely earlier the presentation starts together with pretends to hold out the victim together with gets your grouping members hated. Tell me if she's seeing the time to come ㅋㅋ

5. [+52, -4] They finished recording, filmed music video, together with planned the exhibit but she left. How is this a waste? She's merely real irresponsible.

6. [+49, -2] Jessica supporters ever accept the same logic. "Why are you lot hating when she's choosing her ain path" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She could've withdrew beautifully if she focused on SNSD promotions earlier withdrawing. She was kicked out because she was likewise focused on her work concern amongst her beau together with yet acted similar the victim. She should focus on pattern career if she wants to hold out a designer but she keeps mentioning SNSD inward her interviews ㅋㅋ Her mutual frigidity mental attitude was problematic when she was inward SNSD but she says hullo at the airdrome together with acts all kind. She follows EXO traitors on SNS. She's no dissimilar from them.

7. [+39, -1] Let me refute the best reply. They accept to renew their contracts presently thus it could've ended beautifully. But she left on her ain because of her ain greed. It's misfortunate how people are proverb she's preparing for the future. If she wanted to move out for her ain future, Yoona together with Taeyeon could've done the same affair before. She's merely irresponsible together with selfish. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 salaryman has to learn his move to a novel salaryman earlier leaving his fellowship together with it's non slow to burn downwards someone. Imagine how she affected the grouping promotions. She was fifty-fifty caught at a social club but Yoona together with Taeyeon were defendant instead. She never clarified for them but fans nevertheless shielded her. Sones are saints. Krystal knows the members, how uncomfortable she must be. Selfish together with irresponsible. She's the same every bit Sulli but worse. At to the lowest degree Sulli got sexual insults but she left past times herself.

8. [+34, -3] Krystal is suffering. Sulli together with her unnie, ugh... My goddess-nim... ㅠㅠ

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