Update Lee Jung Hee's Illustration Constitute To Survive False

Pann: Crazy, Lee Jung Hee's family, fuck

1. [+160, -4] Their virile mortal nurture is a pizza deliverer... I compassion him. What did he produce to deserve this? The sons, mother, in addition to a lot of people inward this basis are insane.

2. [+115, -2] Crazy, I'm watching it right away in addition to they're seriously insane ㅋㅋㅋㅋ So the sexual activity hamlet residents don't know Lee Jung Hee at all in addition to still she sued the strangers?

3. [+103, -3] The 3 of them lied? Crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They must convey psychological illness.

4. [+69, -0] Everything aside, what are nosotros gonna produce alongside the fact that this intelligence was spread internationally? This is such a national embarrassment.

5. [+69, -0] Honestly, didn't this representative get-go from Pann? People hither reported it on CNN, did petitions, in addition to etc. You guys are in addition to therefore irresponsible. I'm in addition to therefore speechless.


Pann: Lee Jung Hee's family

1. [+71, -1] The sexual activity hamlet ajusshi got crushed on a street for null ㅠㅠ

2. [+67, -1] I stayed still because I idea it was strange. It was a proficient selection to rest silent... There was a similar representative that happened before. Of course, yous involve to know the sum storey earlier taking an action.

3. [+63, -1] All nosotros convey to produce is to move shamed past times other countries

4. [+25, -1] It's in addition to therefore slow for Koreans to move manipulated because we're in addition to therefore unproblematic in addition to emotional. Mad moo-cow disease, MERS, in addition to Lee Jung Hee. We're similar a hot pot but nosotros all of a abrupt cash inward one's chips tranquillity at once. Issues similar mad moo-cow illness in addition to MERS are indeed problematic but nosotros human activity every bit if they'll brand humans instinct.

5. [+22, -0] I seriously got goosebumps when she said it was a sexual activity hamlet in addition to when she grabbed a random ajusshi on a street in addition to said she had sexual activity alongside him.


Pann: Cafe deleted?

(Pann says the Naver cafe for Lee Jung Hee is beingness deleted)

1. [+42, -2] Just move glad that it's deleted earlier they started collecting donations ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+34, -3] Aigo, people believed the woman, spread posters, did protests, in addition to all sorts of things but all these people were solely used. I wonder what Lee Jung Hee ajumma idea every bit she watched them. She must've idea in that place were a lot of stupid people... She's a legendary psychopath... People worked in addition to therefore difficult to back upward a psychopath

3. [+34, -1] They're deleting the cafe because the representative is confirmed to move false. They're deleting it in addition to therefore that they won't move sued for a calumny or mistaken information.

Pann: Lee Jung Hee's family... I'm in addition to therefore embarrassed

1. [+33, -0] Those who wrote translations to spread it overseas, delight write a clarification that it was a scam ㅋㅋㅋㅋ This tin fifty-fifty move featured on Surprise.

2. [+25, -0] Right, how are nosotros supposed to bargain alongside the translations nosotros spread overseas?

3. [+18, -0] On Pann, in that place were a lot of demands for proofs... They weren't wrong. Lee Jung Hee was only a woman nurture who wrongly trusted a imitation shaman in addition to sold her sons. Someone who was watching this representative had said, "you convey to convey a warm middle but every bit good a mutual frigidity brain." I was a stupid idiot who had a hot brain. I reflect. I'm embarrassed for commenting twice.

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