Update [Abnormal Meridian Ep.44] Discusses Jobs + Invitee Heo Immature Man

Article: 'Abnormal Summit' Tyler, "in the USA, there's no such affair every bit permanent positions... nosotros conduct our jobs based on our interests"

Source: Xports News via Nate

1. [+648, -11] It's non related to the article but sometimes, Tyler's sayings are wonderful. He speaks inwards a linguistic communication that's completely non related to his woman bring upwardly natural language but he's real logical together with structural. His alternative of vocabulary is real advanced. I envy him

2. [+396, -29] Guillaume was teary when he was talking. I wishing they didn't cutting him off

3. [+357, -16] How many people inwards our province genuinely conduct a career based on our interest, though... It's fifty-fifty difficult to discovery a chore based on your score major

4. [+56, -3] Tyler jjang jjang. If Tyler hosts a 1-hour demonstrate past times himself, I'd definitely sentry that. Don't expect downward at Guillaume, why are they thence desperate to ignore him? And why isn't Sujan getting concealment time?

5. [+41, -1] Tyler is charming. He tin speak Korean, French, Chinese, together with many other languages fluently. His unlimited noesis makes me surprised. Today's episode also showed his neat drawing skills. His vocabulary is advanced together with he has logic. He's always curious together with he industrial plant hard, but I also intend he's talented

6. [+36, -1] Tyler reminds me of Kevin's cousin inwards Home Alone. The tyke alongside ruby-red spectacles together with who spills Coke ㅋㅋ

7. [+31, -1] Yeah right. Even though he's maxim that, nosotros already know that Americans also accept chore preferences together with their race plays a utilization on their job

8. [+28, -6] This is why there's a large gap betwixt rich together with pitiable inwards the US

9. [+21, -5] On Abnormal Summit, Tyler said that permanent positions don't exist. This is a unlike even to us because it's non the US. USA has the telephone substitution currency of worldwide economic scheme together with their armed services is the biggest inwards the world. They fifty-fifty command the worldwide resources. It's a prevarication to travel objective almost USA together with some other country. USA also has a depression nativity charge per unit of measurement but they selectively pick immigrants together with trash the rest. Tyler is sugarcoating it besides much

10. [+20, -4] I instruct that Tyler doesn't desire to speak negatively almost his province but he ever talks every bit if USA is some sort of a paradise ㅋㅋ USA is severe alongside its gap betwixt rich together with poor, at that topographic point are shootings because of racism, together with y'all instruct fired correct away if y'all don't practice good alongside your part-time job. So many people inwards the the States are getting past times simply alongside on-call. USA also looks downward at task workers together with telephone band them 'red neck' ㅋㅋ What is Tyler maxim ㅋㅋ

11. [+17, -6] I don't intend it's truthful that they don't accept permanent seat system. The companies accept much to a greater extent than ability when it comes to firing the workers. In the US, shootings fall out together with it's non simply past times thieves, a large business office of it is because the workers are furious alongside their companies firing them... The employment is that Korean regime is trying to re-create this

12. [+12, -4] I don't similar Tyler because he ever thinks he's right. And when someone expresses a negative sentiment on USA, he gets mad together with refutes, fifty-fifty if the somebody is maxim the truth. It's getting severe

13. [+8, -1] Tyler's double standards are besides much. He makes all sorts of generalizations when he talks almost other countries, particularly Korea. But when someone talks almost the US, he growls together with snaps, "have y'all lived inwards the US, don't generalize". Honestly, I didn't sympathise why he got mad when they were talking almost America's wealth flaunting. Whether USA has the civilisation or not, it's understandable that people could intend similar that because of American pop, the media, together with hip-hop. But he refused to admit that. He looks logical together with smart but at the same time, his points are nonsense together with he seems similar a loser


 nosotros conduct our jobs based on our interests Update [Abnormal Summit Ep.44] Discusses jobs + invitee Heo Young Man

Article: Guillaume, "in Germany, fifty-fifty a convenience shop is erotic"... Alberto, "Germany is a transcend province inwards damage of porn"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+129, -6] I idea Nippon was a transcend province for that ㅋㅋ

2. [+107, -4] For Europe, Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany together with Czech are transcend porn countries. But High German women aren't pretty

3. [+95, -8] In Europe, Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany is the cleanest place. Italy is the province I never desire to see again

4. [+14, -8] Beenzino y'all jerk, you're lucky ㅠㅠ

5. [+5, -0] Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany is proficient at everything ㅋㅋ


Article: 'Abnormal Summit' Alberto, "power blogger, it's the readers' responsibleness to create upwardly one's heed the truth of the information"

Source: Xports News via Naver

1. [+105, -14] It could travel the readers' responsibleness but shouldn't the blogger also accept to set truth to it? H5N1 blogger says a eating seat is proficient when it's bad, together with the readers accept to create upwardly one's heed the truth? H5N1 ability blogger has many followers, the truth they speak must travel valued

2. [+91, -13] With the fact that a ability blogger gets fiscal advances, I state that a ability blogger must travel responsible alongside their posts. It's besides selfish to blame the readers only. "The correct to lie"? So is it OK if they scope out simulated information? No way! It'll travel a mess

3. [+76, -7] But I don't concur that they tin prevarication because they're getting coin for it... I honour liberty of spoken language but non spreading simulated information. Especially if it's a ability blogger

4. [+72, -13] Westerners are thence unlike from us... I was surprised when they said, "they accept the correct to lie"

5. [+57, -13] "The correct to lie".... I experience bitter


Article: Zhang Yuan mentions China's soccer competence, "it's getting better"

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+75, -2] That's honestly your opinion. China's soccer is still...

2. [+66, -10] I similar Zhang Yuan but his Sinocentrism gives me goosebumps ㅋㅋ I wanted to nigh him upwardly when they talked almost papyrus before

3. [+55, -4] Yuan-ah, that's non the soccer you're talking about. If it's past times your saying, together with then Korea started playing soccer alongside an creature skull since the Stone Age. You telephone band it soccer if the modern rules apply to it

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