Update Specs Of The Iii Men Who Stopped Yeouido Attack

On a street inwards Yeouido, in that place was an attack. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 human being swung a knife at random people as well as injured iv people.

Three citizens who were on the same street fought against the assailant alongside bare hands as well as successfully reported him.

The 3 men are:

Kye Jin Sung (41) - Saenuri Party committee
- Stopped the victims from haemorrhage as well as chased the attacker
- Vice-president of 'Liftmax'

Lee Gak Soo (52) - Martial arts professor at Myongji University
- Stopped the assailant alongside his kicks
- World champion of mixed martial arts
- Secretary full general of 'World Mixed Martial Arts Association'

Kim Jung Ki (57) - CEO of 'Posone Perfect'
- Stopped the assailant alongside an umbrella
- Confronted the assailant for five minutes until the police line came
- Ex-chief bodyguard of the Blue House


Pann: Specs of the 3 men who stopped Yeouido attack

1. [+28, -2] Don't await downwards on ajussis but because they're aged alongside big bellies

2. [+26, -0] Wow, is Seoul Yeouido amount of men similar that because in that place are a lot of companies? I'm a daughter who lives inwards countryside...

3. [+25, -0] I can't believe in that place are a lot of hidden experts similar them on a street

4. [+9, -0] Wow they actually await similar heroes ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It reminds me of Incredible

5. [+6, -0] Ordinary citizens who were walking on a street plough out to live on extraordinary...

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