Update Respond 1988 Is Getting Boring?

Pann: Isn't Reply thus dull these days?

1. [+238, -7] I outburst into laughter yesterday because of Ra Miran's eggs ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Rather than the dear stories, I detect Ra Miran's scenes the funniest. I started liking her when she mixed spaghetti alongside her hands in addition to said, "nice to come across you, I'm the novel mom."

2. [+231, -3] Why are the guys pushing their chances to each other when they don't fifty-fifty know how Duk Seon feels? I teach that they don't desire to ruin their friendship but the nearly of import affair is Duk Seon's ain feelings, in addition to nobody knows this... Besides, they tin simply destination the province of affairs past times saying, "the shirt is non mine." But they've been dragging this for weeks.

3. [+173, -3] It's non dull but it's frustrating

4. [+76, -3] There's no scene of the master copy span but there's a ton of scenes of other couples ㅋㅋ It's frustrating. I similar the emotional stories of the household unit of measurement but it looks forced sometimes.

5. [+61, -6] Jungbong in addition to Manok's dear floor is funny ㅋㅋㅋ I don't similar Sunwoo in addition to Bora because it's thus dull in addition to non heart-fluttering.

6. [+55, -5] What's frustrating is that the previews teach far facial expression similar the floor volition develop, but the actual episodes solely convey x minutes of plot developments at the destination ㅋㅋㅋ It's non similar I don't similar the household unit of measurement stories. I likewise don't await the dear business to appear on every episode. But if they wanted to present family, thus they shouldn't convey made me await dear line. The previews ever present dear business but the actual episodes don't. I simply stopped watching Reply 1988 because I'm thus done alongside it.

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