Update Iii Sayings From Students Who Got Perfect Scores On Academy Entrance Exams

1) Oh Seung Eun was the real showtime educatee who got a perfect marker on academy entrance exams inward 1999. An interviewer asked her if she liked HOT.
"What's HOT?"

2) She was too asked how she got a perfect score.
"There wasn't whatsoever query that I didn't know of."

3) Park Chang Hee got a perfect marker inward 2009, when the exams were the hardest e'er inward history. He was asked what he was thinking when he was solving math questions.
"I spent twoscore minutes solving the questions. For the balance of the time, I idea of how I was going to explicate the questions to my friends."


Pann: Three legendary sayings of students who got a perfect marker on academy entrance exams

1. [+99, -10] I felt similar somebody slapped me difficult when I read "what's HOT?"... It's similar a teenager saying, "what's EXO?"

2. [+67, -0] I actually honour those who larn perfect scores on academy entrance exams ㅋㅋ Even if I'm born again, I'll never move able to create that ㅋㅋ They must move smart in addition to operate actually difficult to the charge per unit of measurement I can't fifty-fifty imagine.

3. [+67, -1] You tin flaming demonstrate off if you lot larn a perfect marker on academy entrance exams

4. [+41, -0] Oh Seung Eun is currently a researcher at Harvard

5. [+36, -0] Oh Seung Eun sunbae-nim is my high schoolhouse sunbae. I heard from a 99'er sunbae that Oh Seung Eun studied inward a cupboard secretly amongst a bulb. She's a legendary sunbae-nim.

6. [+23, -0] "There wasn't whatsoever query that I didn't know of." ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Person from a dissimilar world...

7. [+21, -0] I tin flaming experience their extra-ordinariness

8. [+16, -4] I powerfulness audio annoying only I got 1 of the highest scores nationwide inward 2011 in addition to I'm currently inward medical scientific discipline at Seoul University.

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