Update Celebrities's Stanning Lives

Kyuhyun - Starcraft
He knows progamers personally together with attended a competition. He also musical rhythm out Shinhwa Hyesung who's known to live a expert Starcraft player.

Eun Jiwon - World of Warcraft
On broadcast, he oftentimes showed his affection towards the game. The game developers created 'Eun Choding' character. Eun Jiwon said he was honored convey a grapheme of himself.

Jang Nara - Go Stop
She was together with therefore into Go Stop that she played the game amongst her companionship workers for a calendar month straight. She had to larn a surgical operation because she played the game also much together with got bruises on her thumbs together with blast injuries.

Hyesung - Games inwards general
Whenever he's asked what his hobby is, he answers, 'games'. Whenever he has spare fourth dimension during his schedule or fifty-fifty when he's hospitalized, he however plays games.

Kang Dong Won - One Piece, Dragon Ball
When he was filming Jeon Woochi, he told himself that he was Luffy. Fans created a Luffy cake for his birthday.

Seohyun - Keroro
She voiced inwards the animation. When she was performing, she threw a kernel to a manful somebody fan who was wearing Keroro uniform. The human is said to convey cried.

Nop.K - League of Legend
He has a part of Riot Games together with is invited to informal events. He tin flame permanently role all of champions together with skins.


Pann: Celebrities' interesting stanning lives!

1. [+126, -3] Hyesung looks together with therefore happy

2. [+97, -4] Nop.K's woman rear must live non scolding him because he's rich ㅋㅋ

3. [+76, -8] You tin flame search upward Nop.K's gaming videos on Naver. I don't know nigh the game only the covert moves actually fast... He must live expert at it.

4. [+38, -4] He calls himself a loss fry only he has a part of his favorite game ㅋㅋ Look at his class

5. [+35, -0] What nigh this guy?

6. [+28, -0] Where's Heechul?

7. [+27, -0] Hyesung's decision to play games fifty-fifty when he's ill is daebak

8. [+18, -0] I didn't aspect Seohyun's because she's known for her smart life ㅋㅋ That's unexpected

9. [+15, -0] Where's Heechul together with L? They're both known every bit stans.

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