Update K-Inner Circle Boycotts Winner's Wwic Dvd

YG is non listening, together with Inner Circle is enraged. "We are non ATM."

WWIC DVD boycott!

Winner's official fandom Inner Circle declares that nosotros volition boycott 2015 WWIC inwards Seoul DVD because of YG constantly delaying Winner's comebacks.

(Detail summary)
- More than 10 Japanese tours for two years without a novel vocal or Korean promotions
- Selling practise videos inwards a DVD that are gratis for other artists
- Comeback delays


Pann: (YG is non listening, together with Inner Circle is enraged) Winner's fandom is boycotting

1. [+133, -0] I'm a non-fan exactly how tin plough over the sack YG let out vii DVDs when they've released exclusively i album? Is this a goose laying golden eggs? Whenever I larn to an album store to await around, YG albums are the heaviest together with the almost expensive ones. Do they intend the fans are idiots?

2. [+127, -0] Why are they fifty-fifty charging practise videos? Do they intend the fans are money? They should run properly, although YG fifty-fifty won't hear ㅠㅠ Winner is non a Japanese group, their priority should hold upwards Korean promotions.

3. [+122, -0] Just how stupid is the companionship for the fans to hold upwards boycotting? YG, yous led to this situation, yous require to wake up. I can't fifty-fifty complete reading this because I'm then pissed off, ugh.

4. [+47, -0] I'd also hold upwards pissed off. They debuted to a greater extent than than a twelvemonth agone exactly they've released i album together with went on a Japanese tour...

5. [+42, -0] Non-fans tin plough over the sack empathize why Winner fans are then upset. H5N1 rookie grouping debuted to a greater extent than than a twelvemonth agone exactly amongst exclusively i album... together with 5 DVDs? Woah, no wonder why they're mad.

6. [+36, -0] I'm a non-fan together with Incles held dorsum for also long... They had all sorts of rumors earlier debut together with a twelvemonth hiatus...

7. [+29, -0] They took a twelvemonth to debut together with their hiatus is to a greater extent than than a year. They're selling DVDs piece releasing articles to excite Incles. One debut album exactly vii DVDs. Isn't this also much?

8. [+27, -0] I'm a YG stan then I ofttimes await upwards their stuff. I was wondering why I couldn't honor Winner's practise videos. Bigbang together with iKON's videos are free, why create they accuse for Winner's videos? Winner is rather a grouping that they should hold upwards dying to exhibit off.

9. [+26, -0] #boycott_until_WINNER_comeback, delight participate

10. [+22, -0] Crazy, they've released i album exactly at that spot are vii DVDs??? Really??? YG is seriously out of their mind.  

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