Update Baekhyun Fans' Back Upwards For His Upcoming Drama

Baekhyun Fan Union's back upward for 'Scarlet Heart: Ryeo'

Baekhyun's Instagram ID engraved on his battery & a express scout for him

Other gifts for the staff every bit well

Ice cream / desert at the drama shoot

Baekhyun thanking his fans for the support


Pann: Drama back upward for an idol

1. [+364, -257] It's amazing exactly I'm starting to frown at the excessive gift culture. I larn that they're big fans exactly things shouldn't larn beyond the limits. Showing their affection is prissy exactly if it continues similar this, actors as well as idols without gifts volition experience inferior as well as larn discriminated. It makes me worried.

2. [+203, -28] Baekhyun's scout gift is $18,000 as well as there's alone a few of them inward Korea

3. [+165, -29] His scout gift costed over $10,000... Hyunie is adored past times Lee Junki, I'm looking frontward to the drama.

4. [+85, -9] There are alone xiv of these inward Korea

5. [+81, -9] Excluding fansites, it'll notwithstanding survive $11,130 if fans pass $10 separately. The fansite admins must've spent hundreds as well as the coin is from the net of photobooks as well as fansite goods that fans bought. It's non excessive, it's done collectively.

6. [+76, -4] Do you lot mean value all EXO-Ls are rich? We pass appropriately exactly in that place are also many of us, then there's a lot of coin at the end.

7. [+72, -3] Hope the drama does well

8. [+60, -52] He's staring at the scout promotion on work then that his fans volition purchase him one. In fact, his fans bought him the scout later on this film was posted. It was a calculated deed past times Baekhyun.

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