Update Mukbang Bj Banzz Stops His Alive Demo Afterward Hearing A Adult Woman Screaming
Monday, 7 January 2019
He had finished eating together with was almost to consume dessert
Suddenly, he heard a adult woman screaming
He became flustered together with left his room
He came dorsum together with turned off his alive streaming
Pann: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 adult woman screaming during BANZZ's alive streaming
1. [+100, -0] I don't know who he is merely what he did was nice... No 1 knows what could've happened if he ignored it.
2. [+95, -1] His Youtube link
"Hello, I'm BANZZ. Because I turned off my alive demonstrate of a abrupt yesterday, I got a lot of calls from my fans, friends, together with fifty-fifty journalists. I'm briefly going to explicate what happened. During the show, I heard a adult woman screaming from the stairs together with it was a yoke fighting. I went exterior to check. Although it wasn't my business, I idea it wasn't something that I should ignore. I had to say the viewers that I was turning off the streaming together with stopped the show. I went out in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than together with tried to halt the couple's fight, merely I happened to larn into a physical struggle amongst the guy. I went to a police pull station amongst him inwards the dawn. Sorry for those who were worried together with give thank y'all you."
3. [+92, -5] He's nice... Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of people pretend similar they don't run into anything together with ignore inwards that situation.
4. [+62, -6] 90% of the Korean men are bugs, he's 1 of the 10% gems...
5. [+40, -0] After that day, he had scars to a greater extent than or less his eyes together with they were swollen when he was alive streaming... The viewers asked him what happened to his eyes merely he ate without answering the question... I mean value he got crunch upward spell stopping the couple.
6. [+33, -0] BJs similar him should endure rewarded. I mean value BJs that create expert deeds similar him should endure rewarded instead of the BJs that convey provocative together with issued contents.