Red Velvet's 'Rookie' Is Below Expectations?

Pann: Red Velvet's Rookie is worse than Russian Roulette

1. [+120, -3] Is it because I expected also much? It's actually as well as then so... It's Red Velvet's worst championship rails as well as then far. They however looked great, though ㅠㅠ SM, let's create a proper job.

2. [+106, -2] I intend it's non equally skillful equally Happiness as well as Dumb Dumb... I listened to it three times simply I don't discovery it catchy.

3. [+95, -1] It's as well as then weird... What's incorrect amongst them this fourth dimension ㅠㅠ Their other songs were good...

4. [+35, -0] Yes, I don't similar the vocal ㅠㅠ

5. [+33, -0] It suits Red Velvet's concept simply it's honestly below my expectations... It powerfulness teach improve inwards fourth dimension simply for now, it sounds as well as then so. I anticipated it because I heard that it was improve than Russian Roulette.

6. [+30, -0] I heard that the coordi did a terrible job. I watched the music video as well as they were wearing vinyl clothes. Can person enjoin me when SM's coordi volition create their job?

7. [+28, -44] I similar it though? Dumb Dumb also got bashed at starting fourth dimension simply people started singing it afterwards. It'll hold out the same.

8. [+25, -3] Honestly, it's actually as well as then so. Ice Cream Cake as well as Dumb Dumb were the best for me. I didn't similar Russian Roulette because of their shitty outfits. Rookie is a bad vocal as well as bad outfits.

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