Hanlim Arts High Schoolhouse Uniform Price

Winter uniform price
Coat: $189.00
Jacket: $139.00
Shirt: $39.00
Vest: $55.00
Cardigan: $69.00
Skirt/pants: $82.00
Gym clothe set: $75.00
Necktie set: $15.00 ($7.5 each)
= Must set: $663.00

Summer uniform cost is said to live on roughly $400.00


Pann: Hanlim Arts High School uniform price

1. [+234, -0] They made schoolhouse uniforms because poor students could experience the gap betwixt the rich as well as the poor but the uniform cost itself is fucking ridiculous.

2. [+168, -1] Not only Hanlim, but all uniform companies are ripping students off. The uniforms are a full trash as well as they're selling it for hundreds. They're shameless.

3. [+116, -0] Gym clothe is $75.00 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ My school's gym clothe is $30.00 as well as I idea that was expensive ㅋㅋㅋ Why are at that spot 2 neckties as well as how are they $15.00? The ones at stationery stores are alone $3.00.

4. [+45, -0] At a division store, you lot tin give the sack purchase a suit, a coat, as well as fifty-fifty shoes that are skillful quality, skillful design, as well as warm for $700.00. Why are uniform companies to a greater extent than expensive than division stores when their clothe are depression lineament amongst no warmth?

5. [+41, -0] No wonder why everybody passes downwardly their uniforms...

6. [+29, -0] School uniforms are as well as thus expensive, including Hanlim Arts. The uniforms are zippo special as well as the jackets aren't 100% wool. There are many students, as well as thus they should live on earning enough... I experience miserable for my parents ㅠㅠ It's non similar I'm guaranteed to larn hired to a skillful fellowship past times graduating a high school. The cost is also much.

7. [+24, -0] Why are they charging as well as thus much for schoolhouse uniforms when it's a must bring exceptional for students? It's mandatory pedagogy but the service is as well as thus poor... We're far from catching upwards to developed countries.

8. [+23, -2] That's why they orbit arts high schools are alone for kids from rich families... Their tuition is much higher than average high schools. It'll live on a burden for the parents.

9. [+21, -1] I'm going to Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies as well as my wintertime uniform costs $930.00. I can't await to meet how much my summertime uniform volition cost.

10. [+15, -0] That's why I couldn't apply to Hanlim Arts although I wanted to ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's also expensive.

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