Cross Cistron Says It's An Accolade To Hold Upwardly Compared To Sechs Kies

Article: [Interview] Cross Gene, "It's an accolade to hold upward compared to Sechs Kies sunbae-nim"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

Sechs Kies comparison: Their championship rails is 'Black or White' together with the members are divided past times "Black" (Takuya, Seyoung, Casper) together with "White" (Shin, Yongseok, Sangmin).

1. [+61, -9] Hul daebak ㅋㅋ I solely knew Takuya inwards Cross Gene together with I constitute out close the grouping because of Takuya. But I didn't know that Shin Won Ho from the Legend of the Blue Sea was inwards this group... I never imagined it, I'm together with thence shocked ㅋㅋ I actually idea he was a rookie actor.

2. [+44, -5] I promise Cross Gene hits daebak! They're all fine Shin Won Ho was cute amongst his Taeho purpose inwards the Legend of the Blue Sea. I promise the create good Hwaiting.

3. [+33, -3] Takuya !

4. [+32, -5] I haven't seen Takuya aka Slender Hand inwards a piece ㅋㅋ The unusual kids are working hard!

5. [+18, -3] Takuya!

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