Exo Cheers Bts In Addition To Wanna 1 For Spreading K-Pop

Article: EXO, "BTS together with Wanna One are spreading K-pop some the world, nosotros give cheers them"

Source: Ten Asia via Nate

1. [+397, -124] BTS surpassed EXO a long fourth dimension ago. Their popularity is no joke inward South America, Europe, together with the US. Charting #1 on the billboard nautical chart is a cracking lawsuit but there's exclusively a few articles on it. There must locomote some controlling behind.

2. [+384, -109] EXO's popularity is large plenty but honestly speaking, the argue why BTS succeeded that much inward the USA is because of their ain aura. It's something EXO couldn't create ㅋㅋ

3. [+363, -93] BTS is the tendency but they don't larn recognized because they're from a pocket-size company.

4. [+63, -6] BTS together with EXO exclusively convey a twelvemonth gap of debut years, right? But BTS yet feels fresh together with they convey proficient concepts. Especially amongst the outfits together with the vocal during Fire, I knew they'd create actually good ㅋㅋ They started getting responses since Dope. Dope yet looks cool. The Gaon fancams of Dope are actually dope ㅋㅋ They relish singing alive together with trip the lite fantastic similar truthful singers. They're dissimilar from other idols who trip the lite fantastic similar machines together with lip-sync.

5. [+53, -15] I intend EXO used to locomote to a greater extent than pop but BTS surpassed them to a bigger extent.

6. [+52, -7] It's non similar BTS is spreading K-pop. They telephone telephone it BTS-pop overseas. They're non paying attending to K-pop, merely the grouping BTS only. Don't misunderstand.

7. [+51, -6] Internationally, BTS isn't known every bit K-pop but every bit a category of their own.

8. [+50, -6] Objectively, EXO was a wall until Call Me Baby. EXO's visuals are much improve together with some BTS members convey unbearable visuals, sad BTS fans ㅠㅠ But EXO had continuous withdrawals of the Chinese members, dating rumors, together with unmemorable comebacks afterward Call Me Baby. Meanwhile, BTS had continuous hits amongst Dope, Fire, Not Today, together with deoxyribonucleic acid together with it changed the game. The argue why EXO is maintaining their value is because of SM's media-play together with their Chinese popularity. Even inward Taiwan, BTS is the tendency now. They're also #1 inward Nippon together with they sell 500K to a greater extent than albums. Considering the fact that BTS' album was released non besides long ago, the gap volition locomote bigger. As an ajumma fan who actually cared close EXO, I experience bad. The push clit of Korean groups is their synchronized choreos, stable live, together with awesome music videos but EXO's choreos are getting less synchronized every year, merely acknowledge it ㅠㅠ Meanwhile, BTS has crazy dances together with hip-hop based music which is the worldwide trend. Winning a billboard observe for the starting fourth dimension time inward K-pop, debut phase on AMA, guesting on iii biggest verbalise shows inward America, together with performing for New York Times inward 2018... You convey to acknowledge that BTS is the #1 grouping at this moment.

9. [+49, -7] Do yous know why these kids don't operate out? It's because every 1 of these jerks is trying to larn something else past times using their singing career every bit a stepping rock rather than becoming successful every bit a singer. They don't expect similar they're edifice their singing career at all. These idiots are exclusively interested inward other fields ㅋㅋ No wonder why they're becoming a has-been ㅋㅋ

10. [+45, -25] They grew similar a prophylactic constitute nether their large means ㅋㅋㅋ All of the Chinese ditched. They had together with then many scandals together with controversies. They slack off their dances because they're large now. They must locomote together with then pissed off to run across BTS, a grouping that started from a house shittier than the dirt, becoming a footing star on a dissimilar degree ㅋㅋㅋㅋ A columnist said late that they can't write objective columns on BTS because of the pressure level from the large agencies.... BTS is the starting fourth dimension grouping that dominated the English-speaking countries together with South America amongst every comeback. What EXO ㅋㅋㅋㅋ To BTS, EXO isn't fifty-fifty a competitor anymore. They wouldn't attention ㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+42, -9] They've surpassed yous guys long ago. You verbalise every bit if mortal below yous did good together with you're inward the pose to praise them ㅋㅋㅋ You're a has-been already ㅋㅋ

12. [+42, -20] EXO is fifty-fifty losing to Wanna One at in 1 lawsuit ㅋㅋ First of all, none of the EXO members are talented except a duo of them.

13. [+41, -6] EXO together with BTS' debut years are closed but BTS is yet rise past times showing novel things. How tin dismiss EXO tell materials similar that... ㅋㅋ

14. [+40, -9] SM's boundary = typical grouping to target Asia

15. [+40, -12] Why should yous locomote thankful to BTS together with Wanna One for spreading K-pop ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Are yous the government minister of the Culture Ministry or what?

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