When Did Wolves Transform Into Dogs?

A petroglyph of a hunter together with his leashed dogs. From 9,000 years ago, constitute inwards Saudi Arabia.

The dogs from the petroglyph expect similar to Canaan dogs which be inwards the Middle East today


Article: When did wolves transform into dogs... A drawing of leashed dogs from 9,000 years agone is found

Source: Choson Ilbo via Naver

1. [+1507, -82] Even a primitive human being leashes his dogs but inwards the 21th century nosotros accept stupid idiots claiming "their dogs don't bite" ㅋㅋ

2. [+1020, -27] When the wolves transformed into dogs is non important... What's of import is when around humans decided to act similar dogs.

3. [+680, -37] Dogs were also leashed dorsum together with hence but Choi Siwon this guy...

4. [+291, -8] The petroglyph is besides well-made considering the 9,000 years of time...
- [+56, -1] I googled it because I was also curious. It's non genuinely white. It's carved on the stone but they merely colored it white alongside a reckoner to movement into to a greater extent than visible.

5. [+478, -138] Christians volition last mad.

6. [+39, -3] I gauge Middle Easterners ever had big dicks...

7. [+24, -0] A primitive human being from 9,000 years agone tin depict ameliorate than me...

8. [+23, -2] Why produce hence many people lack mutual sense? Wolves together with dogs are the same species. They're merely divided into "subspecies". They tin however breed together with larn mixed.

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