'Peach' Is Overused Every Mo An Expression?

Pann: Is our entire solid soil suffering from a peach disease...

1. [+242, -5] I produce concur most the peach illness simply peaches are soft, moist, as well as accept a sugariness scent. I sympathize why it's popular.

2. [+216, -34] Exactly ㅋㅋㅋㅋ We must accept peach juice inwards our veins.

3. [+196, -2] The peach tendency was before.

4. [+95, -7] I don't sympathize why people honour this uncomfortable.

5. [+82, -2] Sulli played a big role.

6. [+72, -0] Those who claim that they await similar peaches rather await similar yellowish peaches.

7. [+62, -1] It's random simply my uncle has a peach farm. It's actually delicious.

8. [+52, -3] What form of fruit is a peach... A fruit that's used to depict a photograph filter that looks white as well as pink.

9. [+36, -6] Agreed ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's e'er peaches. I desire to punch those who enjoin they await similar peaches.

10. [+32, -0] Isn't it old, though?

11. [+28, -2] Agreed. Peaches are delicious simply I abhor 'fruit looks'.

12. [+26, -3] Peaches are my favorite fruit. But I don't similar it when it's used to depict a person. Peaches are meant to endure eaten as well as enjoyed.

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