What Create Yous Convey Past Times Nature?

Pann: What create you lot bring past times nature?

(OP doesn't bring armpit hair)

1. [+245, -1] I actually envy the OP...

2. [+197, -14] Parents' love? Compared to other families, I actually run into how I'm growing upwards amongst affection. A lot of expressions too skinship. Maybe because nosotros likewise verbalise a lot.

3. [+189, -1] I bring goosebumps on my arms. Keratosis pilaris? I've been then stressed past times it since I was young. I'm xx too I'm nevertheless embarrassed past times it.

4. [+149, -0] I don't bring a immature human being past times nature.

5. [+138, -0] My eyesight is 2.0. I got checked at a infirmary too the MD gave me an applause too said I was the laid out 1 to bring 2.0 eyesight at his infirmary ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+117, -1] I'm a daughter too I bring then much pilus on my body.

7. [+95, -1] I don't larn menses cramps too I bring potent mentality. I grew upwards amongst seeing my parents fighting too I was a witness to their divorce lawsuit of adultery but I never rebelled too I'm vivid too positive, which fifty-fifty surprise myself.

8. [+73, -0] My menses is three days long.

9. [+70, -34] I bring double eyelids.

10. [+65, -0] I bring strong immunity. I barely grab a mutual depression temperature too I've never suffered from enteritis. I late got a influenza but I got improve soon, then my MD was surprised. I justice beingness well for you lot is my advantage. I've never broken my os then I don't know what it feels similar to vesture a cast.

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