Sm Suffers A Controversy-Filled Yr Inwards 2017?
Monday, 7 February 2022
Onew's sexual harassment
Taeyeon's drome incident
Contract croak of Girls' Generation
Choi Siwon's Canis familiaris incident
Kangin's violence incident
Taeyeon's automobile accident
Pann: What's going on amongst SM inwards 2017
1. [+102, -4] It's because SM exclusively focused on expanding their trace organisation together with making profits instead of taking assist of their idols. There's no discipline.
2. [+98, -17] After reading Taeyeon fans' comments, I realized SM fangirls are a bunch of psychos. Taeyeon is at error together with the other drivers are the victims simply what they tell is "What virtually the concert?" "As long equally it's non drunkard driving." I got goosebumps.
3. [+50, -1] Do yous mean value it's exclusively this year? It was the same for final year.
4. [+18, -0] Taeyeon's drome incident is together with thus upsetting. How come upwards in that place was no director next her?
5. [+10, -0] SM exclusively cares virtually coin together with doesn't assist virtually their celebrities at all ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just hold off at their controversies together with incidents ㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+9, -11] So funny how SM stans themselves telephone telephone YG a chemist's ㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+9, -1] But it was evident since before. Every SM fandom was frustrated that SM wanted to ruin their ain fellowship simply SM refused to brain to them together with did whatever they wanted ㅋㅋ They're said to endure #1 fellowship simply they're no dissimilar from a small-scale store. There are many other things that other fellowship fandoms would endure shocked at.