Visuals Of Swings' Girlfriend

Pann: Crazy visuals of Swings' 9-years junior girlfriend

1. [+83, -0] With a confront as well as a trunk similar hers... Just why...?

2. [+36, -1] She's Im Bora who was famous every bit a pretty non-celebrity years ago. She's right away an online shopping site model.

3. [+31, -3] Why am I getting mad... I'm a daughter exactly I'm then upset that Swings took a daughter then pretty similar her.

4. [+18, -6] She looks similar a typical shopping site model.

5. [+11, -0] She looks similar Kim Tae Hee inwards to a greater extent than or less pictures. She resembles Gong Seung Yeon. Very pretty.

6. [+9, -0] She's this girl. I used to actually similar Im Bora then I had virtually every photograph of her. I saw an unedited photograph as well as I was shocked... I didn't salve it because she didn't hold off pretty, I should've saved it...

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