Update What Produce You Lot Mean Value Of Idols Having Tattoos?

Pann: What create you lot intend of idols having tattoos?

1. [+1031, -13] Upvote if you lot intend the OP is existence nosy. Downvote if you lot don't.

2. [+257, -8] I don't attention every mo long every mo the tattoos aren't similar colorful dragons, fish, as well as goblins.

3. [+95, -13] I used to intend they await bad merely I changed my heed afterwards my favorite idol got tattoos.

4. [+71, -3] I honey it

5. [+44, -3] "You guys are within of me until I die"

6. [+41, -2] It's their bodies, I don't intend nosotros tin nation anything. Whether it's an idol or a non-celebrity, it's non my trunk as well as hence why should nosotros care...

7. [+39, -54] As long every mo it's non similar Taeil's tattoos. I was grossed out when I saw his tattoos.

8. [+25, -1] It's cool when an idol has tattoos. It's a delinquent when a non-celebrity has tattoos. Double standards.

9. [+18, -9]

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