Update Defendant Studio Submits Their Kakaotalk Chats Amongst Yang Yewon

Article: [Exclusive] Yang Yewon, "Is in that place whatsoever locomote I tin toilet practise this week?" ... Kakaotalk chats revealed

Source: Money Today via Nate

(The runner of the defendant studio submitted recovered Kakaotalk chats he had alongside Yang Yewon three years ago. In the chats, Yang Yewon was willingly scheduling her photoshoots alongside the studio runner. They also beak nearly payments. In the bridge of three months, she had thirteen photoshoots.)

1. [+2944, -186] The studio CEO, who's the victim, should sue Yang Yewon in addition to claim for damages.

2. [+2653, -362] Because of the attacks from feminists, the misfortunate studio CEO is unable to run his line of piece of occupation organisation anymore... And because Suzy was caught inwards a feel of justice, she acted rash in addition to created a novel victim...

3. [+2115, -902] I loved you, Suzy. Bye at i time ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+495, -11] She was a nude model because she needed money. Later, the photos got leaked. She was afraid that her swain would honour out, thus she media-played similar she was forced to practise them. If she alone complained nearly the leakage, she would've won.

5. [+371, -14] What I commented on May 17
1) To earn money, she agreed to receive got those photos on a usual agreement. But she asked them non to leak the photos.
2) Since the pay is big, she did it thirteen times.
3) She got the money, but she was withal worried nearly the possible leakage.
4) She went merely about porn sites to human face for the photos in addition to constitute them.
5) She got a mental breakdown seeing the sexual comments.
6) Since she's a famous Youtuber, the photos were sent to people merely about her.
7) She couldn't tell her swain that she did it for money, thus she position on a mistaken exhibit in addition to claimed she was raped in addition to forced. If this sort of matter actually happened, you'd larn to the police push clit get-go instead of doing 12 to a greater extent than photoshoots. Well, she's on Youtube since she wants money. What did I tell you? Kids similar her receive got a similar storey ㅋㅋ I've seen kids similar her numerous times inwards existent life.

6. [+333, -7] Yang Yewon is done ㅋㅋ Lee Soyeon jumped inwards but she's also done ㅋㅋ Only Suzy volition receive got a mental breakdown.

7. [+312, -12]
Photo leakage: guilty
False accusation: guilty
Studio: non guilty

8. [+270, -8] Similar to the Lee Jung Hee illustration from a few years ago, this Earth is means likewise biased towards self-proclaimed victims.


Article: 'Weekly Entertainment' Suzy, controversial of supporting 'Yang Yewon petition'... Asked whether she could last legally punished

Source: Xports News via Naver

(Lawyer says that the possibility of defamation is low, but she could last sued for damages)

1. [+3154, -470] Suzy's posts exhibit that she alone wanted the incident to last fully cleared. If the self-proclaimed victim was actually a victim, thus Suzy's posts would help. If the self-proclaimed victim was lying, thus it would learn a lesson to non lie. Of course, nosotros shouldn't larn some other victim from it. It's a compassion since Suzy didn't intent anything bad.

2. [+2007, -146] Yang Yewon is actually malicious because she didn't merely lie, her prevarication could've killed someone. Because of people similar Yang Yewon, influential people are hesitant to transportation their supports.

3. [+1625, -366] Punish the correct i instead of Suzy.

4. [+754, -108] Big ability comes alongside large responsibility.

5. [+665, -289] The illustration wasn't fifty-fifty settled but Suzy already acted similar the studio was guilty. Of course of written report it's a problem. If you're a world figure, you lot receive got to lookout out what you lot write.

6. [+286, -19] I saw the Kakaotalk chats in addition to I actually dislike Yang Yewon. Suzy risked all the criticisms to back upwards Yang Yewon because she believed her. But it was a large lie. Then what nearly Suzy...

7. [+258, -64] Some people withal don't empathize Suzy's fault. One of the most influential people inwards Korea was acting one-sided without knowing the details which destroyed someone's business. How is she innocent? Know when to shield. Fans practise antis.

8. [+150, -9] If she should last forgiven because of her proficient intentions, thus what nearly the victim from her actions?


Pann: What's alongside Yang Yewon's Kakaotalk chats?

1. [+170, -15] They promised her they wouldn't leak the photos, thus she agreed to practise the photoshoots. But they got leaked in addition to her swain in addition to identify unit of measurement constitute out nearly it. So she tried to comprehend it upwards past times maxim she was forced to practise them. She wanted to human activity similar a victim to cease downwardly the final result but the people merely about her got upset in addition to told her to sue them correct away. So she was similar OK in addition to lied inwards the video... She didn't await the studio to recover the onetime Kakaotalk chats to submit them every bit an evidence. She wouldn't receive got done this if she knew they were going to practise that. We don't know until it's settled but the Kakaotalk chats don't look whatsoever forcible in addition to it's her who tries to practise to a greater extent than photoshoots.

2. [+123, -3] This bitch had to line this stunt when the timing is sensitive. She should've earned coin inwards proper ways, then. She was the i who caused all this in addition to at i time she's crying in addition to call for people to solve it for her. Of course, the leakage was incorrect but because of Yang Yewon, hereafter MeToo posts volition look less credible. I'm embarrassed every bit a fellow woman.

3. [+109, -6] Yeah... I knew it. I got backstabbed, I can't fifty-fifty speak ㅋㅋ

4. [+86, -1] She was alone acting.

5. [+80, -0] She took those photos a long fourth dimension agone in addition to at i time that they're leaked, she was worried thus she lied ㅋㅋㅋㅋ MeToo is screwed because of her. What did other victims practise wrong?

6. [+39, -0] Suzy's largely responsible. Yang Yewon could've cleaned upwards her ikon in addition to motion on but Suzy publicized the final result in addition to it got backfired.

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