Update Shaun's Championship Rails Is Non Pushed Past Times Sajaegi Because Of The Lyrics?

Lyrics of Shaun's championship rails (about falling inwards beloved amongst a sexual practice worker)

I retrieve of yous every 1 time inwards a while
You were filling upwards my glass
You told me yous wanted to run away
I was shaken when yous grabbed me as well as stared at me

I retrieve of yous every 1 time inwards a while
I tried to bag your heart
You told me yous were ever going to last amongst me
Even if yous were amongst a dissimilar man

I desire you
I also retrieve of it sometimes
I tried to bag your heart
"I'll last responsible for everything, I'll hug you"
I felt as well as thence sad every bit I was listening to you

I also retrieve of it sometimes
I'm sullied similar this
But I desire a small-scale escape from you
Because I don't desire to last a shameless person

I don't wanna drink, I don't desire loveless kisses anymore
I don't desire the faux conversations over the table
I don't request LSD
I desire you
We exceed out as well as dance
It's also mutual frigidness here, we're gonna larn clothe to embrace your shoulders
Exchanging a few words is plenty to say you're an airhead
But why am I falling for someone similar you?

I don't know what a request yeah
I'll telephone telephone yous tomorrow
I exceed on going dorsum to you, I experience stupid
But I exceed on going dorsum everyday
They telephone telephone yous 'agassi' (sex worker)
They telephone telephone yous a gold-digger
Let's run away because this is love
I desire you


Pann: The argue why Shaun used a b-side for sajaegi

1. [+92, -0] Ah dirty... I actually liked him afterward seeing him on Unexpected Q. He said he's gonna sue mean value commenters, who is he to last suing people? He's the 1 who should last sued.

2. [+91, -1] The men who view those establishments are only every bit dingy but they're calling the woman soul workers airheads ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+67, -0] Even though Shaun isn't the lyricist, isn't it a work that he however released the vocal afterward checking the lyrics?

4. [+22, -0] It would brand feel if a championship rails is climbing dorsum on the nautical chart but a b-side that's non fifty-fifty issued is #1 on the nautical chart ㅋㅋㅋㅋ At this point, his dingy championship rails is gonna exceed issued ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+12, -0] What's funnier is that the vocal isn't +19 rated ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's a work that uncomplicated schoolhouse kids tin goal heed to this song.

6. [+10, -0] Who's the lyricist? So disgusting. Is he talking well-nigh himself?

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