Update Statistics Discover 40% Koreans Didn't Read A Unmarried Mass Inwards A Year

Article: "Reading is burdensome"... People avoid reading

Source: Money Today via Naver

1. [+1556, -192] Books are quite expensive.

2. [+913, -18] Standardization of mass prices was a shitty constabulary but the argue for the depression rates of reading isn't because of the toll standardization nor beingness busy. It's because at that topographic point are many to a greater extent than contents similar Youtube as well as games that are to a greater extent than fun than reading. Even if yous don't own got plenty time, yous tin withal uncovering closed to spare fourth dimension for reading. You tin afford a mass past times non buying 2 cups of coffee. There's a library inwards every neighborhood. At the end, nosotros simply don't desire to read.

3. [+998, -150] It's an excuse to tell yous don't own got fourth dimension to read. You tin complete a mass inwards a calendar month past times reading for 10 minutes earlier going to bed.

4. [+570, -17] The work isn't the lack of time. It's that people these days don't own got the mightiness to read. It's too the work of the teaching system.

5. [+314, -11] Sometimes, when I experience discouraged past times the mass prices, I rent books from a library.

6. [+180, -2] In the US, e-books are one-half of the toll of physical books. But our province doesn't own got many e-books as well as the e-book prices are similar to physical books. And it's impossible to own got discounts because of the standardization law. In Europe, books that are older than 1 yr as well as 8 months don't own got discount limits but it's impossible to own got whatsoever discounted mass inwards our country.

7. [+166, -31] Let's read a mass instead of beingness on our smartphones.

8. [+126, -6] Our province needs to create pocketsize books as well as sell them for inexpensive similar the U.S.A. as well as Nihon do. Books are exclusively read for i time or twice, they don't request to await pretty as well as fancy. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mass costs to a greater extent than than $16 because it's full-colored amongst a belt. The size needs to last shrunk into one-half as well as the newspaper should last coarse paper. That way, books volition last cheaper as well as lighter. Then it'll last easier to acquit it as well as I could own got it out of my handbag whenever I'm commuting. Instead of making books await fancy for the sake of charging a high price, nosotros request to focus on pocketsize mass production.

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