Update Apink's Self-Styled Pinkish Suits
Monday, 31 December 2018
Pann: Girl grouping that self-styled for music show
1. [+90, -11] Honestly, the phase outfits for recent promotions were old-fashioned.
2. [+79, -6] Ah... I commented how Apink's coordi was doing a bad chore because I idea this was the coordi's work. So it wasn't the coordi. Sorry, coordi-nim.
3. [+47, -17] Apink's recent promotions were daebak!!! Let's final for long <3
4. [+30, -1] Give it to the designers side past times side time!
5. [+24, -1] Why don't they only focus on the performance... There's a argue why stylists together with coordis exist.
6. [+15, -0] Sorry, coordi-nim... I said the coloring should've been lite pinkish together with called the coordi senseless but Apink is the i who's senseless. The bluish phase outfits were the best.