Whereabouts Of Samsung Lee Jae Yong's Boy & Daughter

Pann: Whereabouts of Lee Jae Yong's boy together with daughter

1. [+143, -0] I envy the daughter. She's actually pretty together with her dad is Samsung CEO ㅋㅋ Enough said.

2. [+140, -4] If inheriting wealth can't locomote avoided, I promise they grow upwards to locomote practiced people together with produce charities.

3. [+124, -4] The fille is then pretty...

4. [+60, -0] The fille is actually outgoing She follows her blood brother all the fourth dimension but he ignores her ㅋㅋ They looked similar typical blood brother together with sister. They convey a practiced human relationship because they're immature but i twenty-four hr menstruation they'll teach by over the trouble concern of the society ㅠㅠ

5. [+51, -0] Diamond spoon.

6. [+47, -0] The Samsung solid unit of measurement has a lot of beauties.

7. [+36, -11] Their mom is dating Lee Jung Jae, their dad is arrested, together with their grandfather has a leaked video of prostitution... They convey looks, money, together with everything but I'm certain they don't convey solid unit of measurement love.

8. [+32, -0] Where produce yous respect those pictures, though?

9. [+24, -0] The fille looks similar Lee Jae Yong.

10. [+20, -0] The daughter's human face upwards kind is only similar her mom She too looks similar her youngest aunt who died...

11. [+16, -0] iPhone ㅋㅋ

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