Sechs Kies Kang Sunghoon Nether Burn For Embezzling Fans' Coin & More

Article: "Will liberate a statement" Kang Sunghoon, embezzlement suspicions, international lawsuit, demands of leaving the group... Controversy on going

Source: Herald Pop via Naver

(In March, Kang Sunghoon started a charity for Sechs Kies' 20th anniversary together with the fans donated a full of 100 1000000 won approximately. However, fans constitute that he didn't post the receipt of the charity. Instead, he posted an unclear guess sheet. Recently, his fanmeet inwards Taiwan was cancelled for no reason, which caused a loss of 100 1000000 won to the Taiwanese companies.)

1. [+1825, -33] Once again, yous larn that a mortal tin never change.

2. [+764, -22] His celebrity career was basically over when he committed the machine fraud before, he was actually lucky to acquire away amongst it... YG already sucked everything out of Sechs Kies, they should terminate the contract.

3. [+673, -26] Kang Sunghoon was on the tidings earlier because he borrowed coin to purchase an expensive machine together with and therefore didn't pay back. He also committed a fraud. Of course, a mortal never changes. This is the argue why nosotros shouldn't forgive people similar Shin Jung Hwan, Go Young Wook, together with Tak Jae Hoon. Go away, Kang Sunghoon.

4. [+516, -28] Don't ruin Sechs Kies... It took a lot of operate to reunite, fifty-fifty the fans are upset. Solve it properly. After all the private promotions, he ended upward causing a scandal.

5. [+257, -20] There are people who pass coin for someone similar him ㅋㅋㅋㅋ So many interesting people inwards the Blue Planet ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+176, -0] Current fans of Sechs Kies are at the historic menstruation to live working jobs together with submitting all sorts of expense reports together with residue statements. I can't believe he had the nervus to submit a mistaken guess sail to the fans...

Article: "Fanclub ran past times his girlfriend"... Sechs Kies Kang Sunghoon fans are lastly raging

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+1722, -39] He never stops amongst his controversies.

2. [+1637, -35] I holler back Click B Oh Jonghyuk proverb at his concert, "The mortal I'm inwards honey amongst is here" together with and therefore the spotlight shining on Lee Dahee, which brought them therefore much loathe ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+1307, -31] Sechs Kies fans tin never ease when their concert is coming up. Raging at Ko Jiyong, raging at Kang Sunghoon.

4. [+131, -2] There's a argue why nosotros could consider Kim Jaeduk, Jang Soowon, together with Eun Jiwon without a hiatus. It's those rarely-seen members Ko Jiyong, Kang Sunghoon, together with Lee Jaejin that are causing problems.

5. [+94, -28] When volition yous fangirls wake upward ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You're naught only ATM machines ㅋㅋ Ugh, women convey no feel of reality.

6. [+90, -2] Fangirls, yous guys withdraw to mature... Shinhwa ever says the artists are non responsible for your lives...


Article: Kang Sunghoon's embezzlement suspicions together with international lawsuit... "solving vs. ignoring", what volition YG pick out to do?

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+563, -19] He should've toned downwards his actions ㅋㅋ What did the innocent members of Sechs Kies create to deserve this?

2. [+527, -13] Guys, this is why fans tin live therefore scary when they plough their backs.

3. [+516, -37] Thanks to him, I cancelled my concert ticket because I didn't desire him to embezzle my ticket coin

4. [+55, -8] Whether it's god or HOT, memories should live kept equally memories. Those singers are inwards their 30's together with 40's who are worn out past times the enterprise together with greedy for money.

5. [+50, -4] He had no 1 to rip off therefore he ripped off his fans?

6. [+45, -5] Hul, he's been to jail before? The broadcast covered his icon therefore well... I'm shocked...

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