Do You Lot Similar Your Idol Bias Alongside Romantic Feelings?

Pann: Am I the entirely 1 who likes my bias amongst romantic feelings?

1. [+115, -28] Honestly, doesn't everybody similar idols amongst romantic feelings? Who genuinely likes idols similar a mom unless they're old?

2. [+109, -2] I've never genuinely wanted to engagement my bias but I would experience lamentable if dating intelligence interruption out. I don't know why...

3. [+105, -42] It's the same for everybody but they only pretend similar they don't.

4. [+41, -0] I seriously desire to get hitched amongst my bias.

5. [+27, -0] For me, it's like... virtual parenting? I'm similar "my infant is together with then cute ㅠㅠ"

6. [+25, -1] First of all, the concept of idols itself creates emotions of virtual dating. Their concept is similar boyfriend-dol together with girlfriend-dol. I don't mean value idols tin inquire their fans to entirely back upwardly their music together with dance.

7. [+21, -0] You can't aid but similar them amongst romantic feelings because yous roughshod for their face. If yous roughshod for their singing or dancing, it's not.

8. [+20, -1] What's amongst the comments? It's non the instance for me... Don't generalize.

9. [+17, -2] It's the same for everybody ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Those who act similar they don't aid almost dating intelligence are genuinely dying on the inside.

10. [+15, -0] It's the instance for me. I genuinely similar my bias equally a somebody together with then I too bring romantic feelings for them.

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