Shinee Jonghyun's Death

Pann: Jonghyun at his final concert

1. [+465, -2] He's trying to capture everything inward his eyes.

2. [+260, -1] Wow... When I saw this gif on Twitter, I idea he was merely looking at the fans alongside honey-dripping eyes... It looks therefore distressing now.

3. [+251, -1] I truly desire him to come upward dorsum fifty-fifty if he wouldn't promote anymore... He could live equally a non-celebrity Kim Jonghyun, non a world figure Kim Jonghyun. I desire him to wake upward equally if goose egg happened... I'm getting therefore teary.

4. [+177, -0] His bitter facial expression says "Ah... this is the last. I'll never hear this screaming as well as never encounter this phase again." Aigo, Jonghyun-ah ㅠㅠ

5. [+142, -0] Jonghyun cried at every concert except this one... Why... Why...

SHINee DC Gallery:
"When Jonghyun has a comeback, let's back upward him alongside no regrets. I nevertheless experience truly sorry for She Is promotions. I bought the album as well as streamed difficult but the atmosphere at that fourth dimension nevertheless breaks my heart. Let's pour everything into the side past times side comeback. Hwaiting everyone."


Pann: SHINee DC Gallery postal service at 1PM

1. [+454, -8] Wow it's therefore shocking... It's scarily shocking... This is the most shocking celebrity expiry I've heard. I experience therefore bad.

2. [+385, -2] I went to the gallery later on hearing the news. It made me tear up...

(Fans on DC Gallery were confused correct later on the breaking news)

3. [+296, -1] Please, Jonghyun. Please... I'm nevertheless listening to your song. Just live alive, please...

4. [+225, -2] Life is comedy from afar as well as tragedy from close.

5. [+209, -1] SM is inhuman if they postal service EXO's teaser soon. I'm a fan of an SM creative soul therefore I know how greedy they are but they amend cancel all of the plans including EXO's comeback as well as allow the artists accept a break.


Pann: I love yous Jonghyun until the end

1. [+486, -2] I can't fifty-fifty imagine how difficult it was for him. I tin solely cry.

2. [+388, -3] Rest inward peace. I nevertheless can't believe it.

3. [+366, -3] It won't comfort him but I promise he finds strength. He struggled to a greater extent than than anyone else. He'll live happy inward heaven.

4. [+247, -0] The aroma of burning coal is truly strong. How lonely he must've felt equally he was inhaling the rigid aroma lonely inward the room. Just thinking nigh it makes me cry.

5. [+144, -2] ... There's goose egg that'll travel inward amend but I promise all Shawols detect strength.


Pann: The phenomenon that fans decease next a celebrity's death

1. [+215, -0] It's the Werther effect. The occupation is that it'll likewise touching on the artists who were closed to him, non merely the fans. I promise SM makes a wise decision.

2. [+209, -1] It was the same for Choi Jin Sil's death. Her manager, her dongsaeng, as well as fifty-fifty her ex-husband died... At that time, the suicide charge per unit of measurement increased suddenly. I'm likewise worried this time...

3. [+156, -2] Jung Joon Young lost ii of his closed people this year. I promise he stays strong.

4. [+102, -1] I'm truly worried nigh Jung Joon Young... I promise people closed to him accept attention of him. I likewise promise SM takes attention of the artists' mental health. I'm generally worried nigh his solid unit of measurement as well as SHINee members...

5. [+97, -0] Am I the solely ane who's seriously worried nigh Jung Joon Young? He lost ii people this year. Both were closed to him as well as he depended a lot on them... Of course, I'm likewise worried nigh fans.

Jonghyun: "I got dwelling solid later on work. Entering the empty space, it doesn't experience similar I'm home. For me, dwelling solid is where noona, mom, as well as Roo are at. I immature adult woman you."


Pann: Jonghyun's Twitter makes me teary...

1. [+269, -3] He's a famous celebrity. Imagine him beingness at the concert as well as hearing all the screaming as well as and therefore going dwelling solid where no ane is waiting. Even for us, going dwelling solid lonely later on hanging out alongside friends feels depressing...

2. [+195, -1] Money can't fill upward an empty feeling. You instruct depressed as well as start questioning what the quest is for earning all that money...

3. [+171, -1] I see... He must've gained wealth but lost happiness... He looked happy to me but I approximate he truly wasn't...

4. [+57, -1] A star has left.

5. [+54, -0] How it must've been for him to decease behind all the fans... The fans must've been his pride when he was live but a burden when he was dying.


Pann: What nigh Im Nayoung

(She appeared on V app for her birthday at the fourth dimension of Jonghyun's news. At first, she didn't seem to live aware of it, but equally the fans were telling her past times commenting, she smiled as well as ended the broadcast much faster than usual)

1. [+332, -3] On her birthday, she lost someone who was her exercise model.

2. [+181, -0] I idea she read the comments but kept broadcasting alongside a smile, but she ended the broadcast all of a sudden... She was smiling for the fans but must've felt therefore messy inside.

3. [+154, -0] The timing though ㅠㅠ She turned on V app at the same fourth dimension the breaking intelligence were out.

4. [+87, -1] So she'll get got to appear on V app for her birthday every twelvemonth when it's likewise the twenty-four hours of her star's expiry ㅠㅠ

5. [+79, -1] I'm likewise worried nigh Hoshi. He's famous for beingness a successful fan of SHINee. He lost a sunbae who treasured as well as liked him... I can't fifty-fifty speak.

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