Ranking Of Physical Sales For This Yr Then Far
Friday, 28 January 2022
Pann: Album sales of artists for this yr in addition to thus far
1. [+92, -9] Twice is the exclusively woman mortal artist, their fandom ability is definitely on par alongside man child groups. BTS is a wall.
2. [+68, -6] BTS is in addition to thus amazing... They rising higher every year.
3. [+51, -2] Meanwhile, Hwang Chiyeol-nim is amazing, equally good ㅋㅋ Is it because he has a big fandom?
4. [+24, -4] BTS' fifth mini was released on Sept eighteen final yr ㅋㅋ Oh my god...
5. [+24, -2] Twice is insane... They're non fifty-fifty a man child grouping merely they're higher than nearly man child groups ㅋㅋ
6. [+23, -1] NCT is quite strong... Is it because the subunits are all combined?
7. [+23, -0] I'm in addition to thus proud of Twice ㅠㅠ Boy groups destroy everything inwards this merely they're the exclusively daughter grouping hither ㅠㅠ
8. [+22, -3] Oh, NCT is quite strong