Min Hee Jin Threatens Legal Activity Against 'Lolita' Accusations

Video: The lowdown on all of New Jeans' exploding controversies | Min Hee Jin's rebuttals

Source: Issue Feed via YouTube

Video compiles the diverse controversies surrounding New Jeans together with Min Hee Jin regarding feedback amongst the group's lolita branding, s*xual lyrics, together with Min Hee Jin's personal tastes. Min Hee Jin rebukes the accusations inwards an interview where she explains that it's all unfounded. The pictures inwards her room were random images gifted to her past times friends together with she compares it to people saving random scraps of pictures off the cyberspace without a clear source together with argues that she shouldn't live on held to a higher criterion for doing what everyone else does when she doesn't fifty-fifty know what movies the images she's displayed are from. She also explains that the group's concept goes through multiple confirmations from diverse staff of a squad together with that it's unreasonable to pivot whatever 1 conclusion on solely her. As for the disputation surrounding 'Cookie', she explained that it stood for 'CD'. She volition also live on taking legal activity against these accusations.


1. [+100] But from a foreigner's perspective, I tin empathize why the lyrics to 'Cookie' tin live on therefore easily misinterpreted. 'Eat my cookie' is a mutual facial expression meant to hateful something sexual therefore isn't it understandable that foreigners would accept it that way? Which is why they were questioning why such immature kids were beingness asked to sing such lyrics? The lyrics audio direct out of an American hip hop 19+ rated song. It's non but the give-and-take 'cookie' that's probematic here. Furthermore, the author is a foreigner too, therefore there's no way all of them didn't know that that's what 'cookie' agency to foreigners. It makes me think they laid this all upwards on role for vibrations marketing?

2. [+65] She has been defendant of using lolita themes since f(x)'s 'Pink Tape' concept. I don't think it's fair to minimize all of this equally "just a concept" when she's consistently had minors dressed inwards revealing clothes, cerise cheek build up, together with dancing to sultry waves. It's non similar other agencies haven't wanted to practice these concepts also but they all know that there's a proper trouble that shouldn't live on crossed together with Min Hee Jin has ever walked correct on the cusp of it.

3. [+43] I don't think people's accusations are out of bounds. IU had something similar, too... You receive got to live on lying to think that in that place wasn't an obvious intention involved here. There is therefore much function that goes into picking each together with every prop behind a concept... which makes me think they're purposely manufacturing these controversies.

4. [+40] The minute I heard 'Cookie', I knew where this was going... It actually makes me inquiry whether their agency is but acting similar they had no thought or if they're actually but that naive...

5. [+29] I honor controversies similar this odd. When the grouping performs 'Cookie', they are non dressed inwards anything revealing, together with their trip the low-cal fantastic toe is totally hip hop style. I could empathize this disputation if they dressed together with danced to a greater extent than sexually but there's zilch sexual at all almost their stages. They're also ever wearing biker shorts together with longer skirts. If anything, New Jeans is dressed to a greater extent than conservatively than the other daughter groups...

6. [+21] There's no smoke without fire. These accusations aren't coming from no where ㅎㅎ It's obvious that this is the lawsuit of Min Hee Jin choosing to cross a trouble she shouldn't have. I acknowledge that New Jeans has a nifty concept amongst amazing planning behind it but it's clear that they purposely implemented some controversial elements knowing the vibrations marketing it would produce. Please don't human activity similar that wasn't your intention all along because the fakeness grosses me out.

7. [+19] All of these accusations actually felt therefore forced to me... What are these haters doing to these kids ㅜ They're but jealous together with can't stand upwards the fact that someone else is doing improve than them. It hasn't fifty-fifty been a calendar month since New Jeans' debuted together with they're already beingness met amongst such an outpour of attending ㅋㅋ 

8. [+3] Feels similar threatening legal activity but because she "didn't intend it that way" isn't the correct way to larn almost treatment this...

9. [+84] Wow... I think people are but looking for ground to honor controversy. I don't empathize how yous could come upwards to such a conclusion at all. Wake up, all of you.

10. [+112] I think people receive got but given upwards on using their encephalon cells... they're making upwards all these controversies together with going "hul" "crazy" all inside their ain communities...

11. [+37] This is how popularity goes... you're ever going to receive got to bargain amongst jealous haters who volition loathe on yous for no ground but because they know that your popularity threatens their ain unnis together with oppas' popularities

12. [+36] The fact that these accusations receive got been made non solely inside Korean communities but Americans also hateful that there's something rattling incorrect amongst their concept correct now. Americans are way to a greater extent than sensitive to protecting the rights of minors than nosotros are, together with that's what a normal, get-go globe guild should do. A guild that turns the people concerned almost these issues into 'jealous haters' is non right. If an agency is forcing their minors into performing sexualized concepts on stage, it's solely correct for that agency to live on criticized past times the public. They are minors who demand to live on protected nether the law. As an adult, yous should live on able to alternative out together with come across just what is incorrect betwixt the lines of their concept, together with there's something incorrect amongst yous if yous don't come across it. These accusations aren't baseless. Their concept is completely controversial.

13. [+8] I recollect people made these accusations against IU inwards '15... why practice people desire to torture stars therefore badly..

14. [+17] It's clear that the agency cares almost the girls. They're ever dressed inwards biker shorts underneath everything when other daughter groups are prancing approximately inwards underwear.

15. [+22] If their agency does non desire these controversies popping up, together with therefore they should live on to a greater extent than careful. As people working inwards that industry, they should know improve than anyone else what those lyrics tin mean.

16. [+13] "They receive got a nifty human relationship amongst Min Hee Jin" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I mean, that's a human relationship betwixt a CEO together with their staff... these girls but barely debuted, they're non at a condition where they tin nation anything almost their human relationship amongst her ㅋㅋㅋ

17. [+9] Min Hee Jin does seem to have... interesting tastes. Just larn await at the materials she's produced for SM.


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