'Honey Dripping Eyes' At Fansigns Could Survive Fake?

Pann: Don't trust 'honey dripping eyes' at idol fansigns

1. [+418, -18] Who genuinely believes that ㅋㅋ Fans only become to run across the idols doing their jobs.

2. [+378, -8] You tin give the sack simulated dearest dripping eyes... Honestly, it's to a greater extent than oftentimes than non fake. I goodness it amongst my friend because nosotros works life it interesting as well as nosotros could brand those eyes.

3. [+277, -9] Agreed. It's the same for both men as well as women.

4. [+197, -6] Hul, if I were an idol, I'd only hold out happy past times the fact that fans similar me regardless of how the fans look... I approximate it's non the same for near idols.

5. [+157, -1] They create aegyo for money. It's give as well as take. It gets tiring if yous endeavour to intend deeper.

6. [+134, -5] It's non similar they expect at fans sweetly because the fans are pretty as well as cute. It's because they're thankful that the fans similar them. I don't fifty-fifty stan whatsoever idol but fifty-fifty I know that. But the matter is that they could deed fake.

7. [+125, -2] Hwayoung got abhor because he showed his bare thoughts ㅋㅋㅋㅋ There must hold out a lot of idols amongst a shitty personality who intend celebrities tin give the sack earn a ton equally long equally they're handsome dancers ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+117, -1] What sort of a celebrity has dearest dripping eyes only because the fan is pretty? It's because they're thankful for the fan's support... They're an idiot if they can't hold out thankful.

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