Can You Lot Become Out Amongst Your Bare Face?

Pann: Can you lot leave of absence alongside your bare face?

1. [+237, -2] I leave of absence alongside my bare human face upward everyday... It's non that I'm confident, I'm merely lazy

2. [+147, -6] I tin sack never grade upward on lips... Wearing lip tint makes a big difference

3. [+81, -13] I leave of absence alongside my bare human face upward when I'm fix to live on against the world

4. [+72, -26] It's weird if you lot can't... It's non similar you're a elevation star

5. [+61, -43] Why not? I'm honestly curious. Nobody cares... seriously. They'll merely intend you lot alive nearby. Nobody volition wonder what's incorrect alongside you. Of course, a few mightiness discovery you lot weird-looking but most people don't attention at all.

6. [+38, -1] No. I tin sack leave of absence alongside a mask though.

7. [+36, -4] Reading the comments, I realize how difficult it is to alive every bit a Korean girl.

8. [+33, -1] I unremarkably leave of absence alongside my bare face.

9. [+24, -2] I'm a daughter but I've never gone out alongside my bare human face upward because my peel is real dirty. I select to vesture peel makeup at to the lowest degree inwards illustration people instruct surprised. I don't fifty-fifty want for a shining peel alongside no pores. If I had construct clean skin, I'd never vesture peel makeup as well as leave of absence alongside my bare face...

10. [+24, -11] Why can't you? ㅋ

11. [+19, -28] Others don't attention close your human face upward at all. You're then delusional!

12. [+18, -5] Why can't you lot ㅋㅋㅋ Honestly, people don't care

13. [+17, -7] I'm every bit good wondering why people can't ㅋㅋ People don't attention close other people. They don't desire to know whether someone's wearing makeup or not. They don't fifty-fifty await at other people Nobody cares unless it's soul actually pretty.

14. [+16, -0] I tin sack but it brings downward my self-esteem a lot.

15. [+12, -0] I barely vesture makeup anyways

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