Why Does Carmine Velvet Accept As Well As Thence Many Woman Mortal Fans?
Friday, 22 April 2022
Pann: Why exercise you lot mean value Red Velvet has a lot of woman mortal stans?
1. [+74, -2] Their concepts are girls' fantasies. Ice Cream Cake was princess-ish, Dumb Dumb was cute, together with Russian Roulette was pretty together with sporty. I await upward to them a bit.
2. [+69, -5] Because their concepts are classy, I guess?
3. [+62, -2] Their songs are women's style. Pretty vocal colors together with pretty lyrics. All of their songs are good.
4. [+24, -2] I'm non a fan merely I respect them likeable. It's similar they're non common... Their concept is non sexy, cute, nor innocent. It's their unique concept that's difficult to describe. I mean value it's attractive.
5. [+24, -1] They're cute
6. [+22, -2] Don't their concepts attract women enough? Happiness was fancy together with cute. Be Natural was charming together with soft. Ice Cream Cake together with Automatic were brilliant merely likewise nighttime together with dreamy. Dumb Dumb, One of These Nights, Russian Roulette, together with etc... Their concepts together with auras are all different, I mean value it's why they're able to gain together with thence many woman mortal stans.
7. [+20, -1] Like Ice Cream Cake, Dumb Dumb, together with Russian Roulette, their concepts are cute together with likeable to women. A lot of people covered their makeup together with hairstyles on Youtube when they promoted amongst Russian Roulette.
8. [+18, -1] SM's daughter groups are made for woman mortal stans similar SNSD, f(x), together with Red Velvet.