Baekhyun In Addition To Chen's Debut Inward Exo

Pann: I simply flora out almost the debut storey of Baekhyun too Chen, SM is merciless

(Pann talks almost how Baekhyun too Chen got to debut instead of other trainees too electrical flow NCT fellow member who convey been preparation longer)

1. [+306, -5] Baekhyun too Chen's add-on was god's work. They're the best singers inwards EXO.

2. [+283, -2] SM lets mortal debut solely if they gibe the group's image. There was around other trainee inwards the debut grouping for EXO who's icon was similar to DO, but solely DO got to debut.

3. [+246, -2] It's mutual for SM to brand a debut grouping of trainees too and thus disband it all of a precipitous or swap the trainees. Those who made it from SM are amazing. Jongdae too Baekhyun were lucky.

4. [+130, -0] They were lucky indeed but it's amazing how Chen too Baekhyun managed to come across the requirements of SM's staff inwards xi months. There are trainees who've been at that topographic point for to a greater extent than than five years, I can't imagine how difficult they worked to produce it inwards xi months.

5. [+113, -0] Baekhyun changed his singing mode completely inwards such a curt bridge of time. He was a bad dancer but his dancing was decent when he debuted. His hard-work is amazing. Baekhyun too Jongdae held dorsum their tears when they won their origin daesang because they felt lamentable to the other members who had trained longer than them... Both are amazing.

6. [+98, -1] Gong Seung Yeon was inwards the debut grouping for f(x), but she didn't debut. She was inwards the debut grouping for Red Velvet, but she didn't debut again. She ended upward joining around other companionship too debuted equally an actress ㅋㅋㅋ NCT kids are lucky that they debuted. Imagine how many kids don't teach to debut too teach kicked out of the company.

7. [+79, -1] It was smart of SM, though? Baekhyun too Chen are slap-up master copy vocals inwards EXO ㅋㅋ It's non similar they debuted inwards EXO without a talent. I'm simply amazed at SM's live because they look to convey invested the minimum but profited the maximum!

8. [+73, -0] Jongdae too Baekhyun got inwards past times their talents too images, non past times luck. They besides worked actually hard, y'all can't simply telephone band all of it luck.

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