Singer Ben Gets Defendant Of Sajaegi On The Chart

Ben charts #1 on 7AM chart, outperforming other man child groups

Ben's order (green) goes upwardly abnormally


Pann: An creative individual who's currently defendant of sajaegi

1. [+221, -2] People don't seem to sympathise the point. Why does it thing if the vocal is expert or popular? We're pointing out that the graph looks abnormal. Even world artists similar Yoon Jong Shin together with IU nautical chart lower at dawn.

2. [+183, -3] Why does it thing if the vocal is good? What's weird is that the vocal skyrocketed all of a sudden. If you're gonna convey the argument, nosotros could tell Nilo together with Shaun's songs were good, too.

3. [+171, -1] It was suspicious indeed. It was charting #1 at dawn suddenly. Honestly, the dawn nautical chart is all virtually fandoms.

4. [+98, -0] The nautical chart has been actually weird this year.

5. [+69, -1] This isn't fifty-fifty a graph of an idol group. Artists similar Ben are listened yesteryear non-fans together with she's a woman individual soloist. It's impossible for her to select a graph going upwardly at 11PM similar that. I select nil against Ben together with the song's character aside, that graph looks similar a typical idol grouping amongst a big fandom.

6. [+54, -36] Does Ben fifty-fifty select a argue to create sajaegi? It's non similar she's a nugu similar Nilo together with Shaun.

7. [+53, -2] Hul, if she did sajaegi, why? Ben is quite well-known together with a lot of people were expecting her novel release. Why did she create that?

8. [+51, -73] Fiance is fifty-fifty to a greater extent than weird. It's non similar the fandom is big together with people only about me also don't sympathise why the vocal is charting high.

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